Accepted Papers

Title Decision/Status Views Updated
Context-driven RDF Data Replication on Mobile Devices Accept 22,005 13/Jul/2011
Lifecycle Models of Data-centric Systems and Domains Accept 34,861 29/Jan/2012
Is Question Answering fit for the Semantic Web?: a Survey. Accept 22,218 06/Oct/2012
A Classification of Semantic Annotation Systems Accept 39,467 06/Oct/2012
Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web Accept 26,946 05/Jul/2012
Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey Accept 27,913 06/Oct/2012
The OWL API: A Java API for OWL Ontologies Accept 36,598 08/Dec/2010
Comparison of Reasoners for large Ontologies in the OWL 2 EL Profile Accept 31,068 06/Oct/2012
Approaches to Visualising Linked Data: A Survey Accept 46,244 06/Oct/2012
The RacerPro Knowledge Representation and Reasoning System Accept 32,018 07/Mar/2011
The ICOM 3.0 Intelligent Conceptual Modelling tool and methodology Accept 16,243 16/May/2011
The Mastro System for Ontology-based Data Access Accept 20,180 08/Feb/2011
PowerAqua: supporting users in querying and exploring the Semantic Web content Accept 28,354 06/Oct/2012
OWLIM: A family of scalable semantic repositories Accept 22,581 05/Jan/2011
Watson, more than a Semantic Web search engine Accept 20,583 03/Mar/2011
Stream Reasoning and Complex Event Processing in ETALIS Accept 19,009 14/Sep/2012
FactForge: A fast track to the web of data Accept 40,745 06/Oct/2012
Transition of Legacy Systems to Semantic Enabled Application: TAO Method and Tools Accept 24,482 06/Oct/2012
Injecting semantic annotations into (geospatial) Web service descriptions Accept 66,708 06/Oct/2012
Towards a Pattern Science for the Semantic Web Accept 13,887 08/Dec/2010
OWLlink Accept 28,959 08/Dec/2010
The Alignment API 4.0 Accept 49,272 08/Dec/2010
S-Match: an open source framework for matching lightweight ontologies Accept 43,101 21/Apr/2011
Semantic Turkey: A Browser-Integrated Environment for Knowledge Acquisition and Management Accept 24,552 06/Oct/2012
Semantic Search on the Web Accept 19,661 08/Dec/2010
Ontology Use for Semantic e-Science Accept 13,990 08/Dec/2010
Five Challenges for the Semantic Sensor Web Accept 26,009 08/Dec/2010
Towards the Ubiquitous Web Accept 14,972 08/Dec/2010
Model-Assisted Software Development: Using a 'semantic bus' to automate steps in the software development process Accept 13,837 08/Dec/2010
Digital Heritage: Semantic Challenges of Long-term Preservation Accept 14,441 08/Dec/2010
