Accepted Papers

Title Decision/Status Views Updated
An Unsupervised Data-driven Method to Discover Equivalent Relations in Large Linked Datasets Accept 12,200 15/Mar/2017
Publishing DisGeNET as Nanopublications Accept 14,289 15/Mar/2017
Distantly Supervised Web Relation Extraction for Knowledge Base Population Accept 13,451 15/Mar/2017
Multilingual Linked Data Accept 13,429 20/Mar/2015
Special Issue on Semantic Web Interfaces Accept 10,344 25/Feb/2015
Semantic Abstraction for Generalization of Tweet Classification: An Evaluation on Incident-Related Tweets Accept 12,043 08/Apr/2018
The Document Components Ontology (DoCO) Accept 12,395 15/Mar/2017
Time Ontology Extended for Non-Gregorian Calendar Applications Accept 16,511 15/Mar/2017
2nd Special Issue on Linked Dataset Descriptions Accept 10,087 27/Jan/2015
OntoPedigree: Modelling Pedigrees for traceability in supply chains Accept 14,085 15/Mar/2017
The Open University Linked Data - Accept 15,255 15/Mar/2017
Signal/Collect Processing Large Graphs in Seconds Accept 8,813 27/Feb/2015
A content-focussed method for reengineering thesauri into semantically adequate ontologies Accept 11,759 15/Mar/2017
A Fine-Grained Evaluation of SPARQL Endpoint Federation Systems Accept 12,311 15/Mar/2017
LinkedSpending: OpenSpending becomes Linked Open Data Accept 13,079 15/Mar/2017
The Semantic Web for all Accept 11,395 19/Nov/2014
Query Answering over Contextualized RDF/OWL Knowledge with Forall-Existential Bridge Rules: Decidable Finite Extension Classes Accept 11,213 15/Mar/2017
Crowd-based Ontology Engineering with the uComp Protege Plugin Accept 12,468 13/Jul/2017
Quality-Based Model For Effective and Robust Multi-User Pay-As-You-Go Ontology Matching Accept 10,860 15/Mar/2017
DWRank: Learning Concept Ranking for Ontology Search Accept 13,957 13/Jul/2017
SISSVoc: A Linked Data API for access to SKOS vocabularies Accept 14,733 15/Mar/2017
Semantic Web Journal Volume 5 Issue 6 Accept 10,496 14/Oct/2014
Eye Tracking the User Experience - An Evaluation of Ontology Visualization Techniques Accept 11,711 13/Apr/2018
Coupling conceptual modeling and rules for the annotation of dramatic media Accept 11,700 20/Apr/2016
Converting the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS Lexicon into RDF with lemon Accept 14,634 20/Apr/2016
Quality Assessment for Linked Data: A Survey Accept 28,517 15/Mar/2017
Eye Tracking the User Experience - An Evaluation of Ontology Visualization Techniques Accept 18,541 22/Oct/2014
Coupling conceptual modeling and rules for the annotation of dramatic media Accept 8,401 04/Oct/2014
A logical characterisation of SPARQL federation Accept 14,460 08/Jun/2016
Special Issue on the Semantics of Microposts Accept 10,629 01/Jul/2014
