Accepted Papers

Title Decision/Status Viewssort descending Updated
The Community Solid Server: Supporting Research & Development in an Evolving Ecosystem Accept 504 03/Oct/2024
Publishing and Using Parliamentary Linked Data on the Semantic Web: ParliamentSampo System for Parliament of Finland Accept 710 08/Oct/2024
Testing Prompt Engineering Methods for Knowledge Extraction from Text Accept 720 05/Sep/2024
Editorial: Towards a Global Food Systems Datahub Accept 776 17/Jul/2024
InteractOA: Showcasing the representation of knowledge from scientific literature in Wikidata Accept 863 24/Jul/2024
On assessing weaker logical status claims in Wikidata Cultural Heritage records Accept 911 24/Jul/2024
PRSC: from PG to RDF and back, using schemas Accept 939 03/Oct/2024
Editorial: Special Issue on Interactive Semantic Web Accept 1,027 17/Jul/2024
Multilingual Question Answering Systems for Knowledge Graphs—A Survey Accept 1,061 24/Jul/2024
Special Issue on Semantic Web for Industrial Engineering: Research and Applications Accept 1,103 28/Apr/2024
Evidence of Large-Scale Conceptual Disarray in Multi-Level Taxonomies in Wikidata Accept 1,234 01/Feb/2024
A Study of Concept Similarity in Wikidata Accept 1,241 04/Dec/2023
Editorial: Special Issue on Semantic Technologies for Data and Algorithmic Governance Accept 1,242 17/Jul/2024
Enhancing Data Use Ontology (DUO) for Health-Data Sharing by Extending it with ODRL and DPV Accept 1,269 24/Jan/2024
Multilinguality and LLOD: A Survey Across Linguistic Description Levels Accept 1,281 25/Mar/2024
qEndpoint: A Novel Triple Store Architecture for Large RDF Graphs Accept 1,292 22/Jul/2024
TermIt: Managing Normative Thesauri Accept 1,294 09/Feb/2024
Empirical ontology design patterns and shapes from Wikidata Accept 1,301 23/Feb/2024
How to Create and Use a National Cross-domain Ontology and Data Infrastructure on the Semantic Web Accept 1,365 01/Feb/2024
INK: Knowledge graph representation for efficient and performant rule mining Accept 1,371 23/Aug/2023
Similarity Joins and Clustering for SPARQL Accept 1,372 09/Feb/2024
Ontology of active and passive environmental exposure Accept 1,374 09/Feb/2024
Declarative Generation of RDF-star Datasets from Heterogeneous Data Accept 1,380 23/Feb/2024
A survey on SPARQL Query Relaxation Under the Lens of RDF Reification Accept 1,382 29/Aug/2024
CANARD: An Approach for Generating Expressive Correspondences based on Competency Questions for Alignment Accept 1,383 04/Dec/2023
CEO: Counterfactual Explanations for Ontologies Accept 1,389 12/Feb/2024
Editorial: Neuro-Symbolic AI and the Semantic Web Accept 1,395 17/Jul/2024
Path-based and triplification approaches to mapping data into RDF: user behaviours and recommendations Accept 1,396 01/Aug/2024
Efficient Management and Compliance Check of HVAC Information in the Building Design Phase Using Semantic Web Technologies Accept 1,397 18/Jul/2024
Sem@K: Is my knowledge graph embedding model semantic-aware? Accept 1,398 27/Nov/2023
