Temporal Relevance for Representing Learning over Temporal Knowledge Graphs

Tracking #: 3699-4913

Bowen Song
Kossi Amouzouvi
Chengjin Xu
Maocai Wang
Jens Lehmann
Sahar Vahdati

Responsible editor: 
Armin Haller

Submission type: 
Full Paper
Representation learning for link prediction is one of the leading approaches to deal with incompleteness problem of real world knowledge graphs. Such methods are often called knowledge graph embedding models which represent entities and relationships in knowledge graphs in continuous vector spaces. By doing this, semantic relationships and patterns can be captured in the form of compact vectors. In temporal knowledge graphs, the connection of temporal and relational information is crucial for representing facts accurately. Relations provide the semantic context for facts, while timestamps indicate the temporal validity of facts. The importance of time is different for the semantics of different facts. Some relations in some temporal facts are time-insensitive, while others are highly time-dependent. However, existing embedding models often overlook the time sensitivity of different facts in temporal knowledge graphs. These models tend to focus on effectively representing connection between individual components of quadruples, consequently capturing only a fraction of the overall knowledge. Ignoring importance of temporal properties reduces the ability of temporal knowledge graph embedding models in accurately capturing these characteristics. To address these challenges, we propose a novel embedding model based on temporal relevance, which can effectively capture the time sensitivity of semantics and better represent facts. This model operates within a complex space with real and imaginary parts to effectively embed temporal knowledge graphs. Specifically, the real part of the final embedding of our proposed model captures semantic characteristic with temporal sensitivity by learning the relational information and temporal information through transformation and attention mechanism. Simultaneously, the imaginary part of the embeddings learns the connections between different elements in the fact without predefined weights. Our approach is evaluated through extensive experiments on the link prediction task, where it majorly outperforms state-of-the-art models. The proposed model also demonstrates remarkable effectiveness in capturing the complexities of temporal knowledge graphs.
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Solicited Reviews:
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Review #1
Anonymous submitted on 22/Jul/2024
Review Comment:

The revised paper under review introduces TRKGE, a model that integrates temporal relevance into the temporal knowledge graph completion framework. Utilizing tensor decomposition, TRKGE is distinct in its sensitivity to the temporal attributes of facts, differentiating between transient and permanent relations. The model's innovative construction in the complex space, coupled with rotation matrices and an attention mechanism, seamlessly blends temporal relevance with entity, relation, and timestamp embeddings. The performance, particularly in link prediction accuracy, surpasses existing state-of-the-art systems, marking a significant advancement in the field.

The authors have addressed the primary concerns highlighted in my initial review. They have now provided an in-depth discussion on time complexity. Additionally, the authors have improved the paper's reproducibility by sharing the source code. These resources are crucial for validating the model's performance and facilitating its application in further research.

In conclusion, the authors have successfully addressed the critical issues raised in the initial review. The paper is ready for publication and is expected to inspire further research and development in this domain.

Review #2
Anonymous submitted on 28/Jul/2024
Review Comment:

(1) originality, this paper is novel and considers the interplay between time and relation in terms of knowledge graph completion. (2) significance of the results. Compared with other embedding methods, the experimental results show improvements, especially in the GDELT dataset. (3) quality of writing. This paper is easy to follow and includes detailed introduction to previous work and extensive experiments.

Review #3
By Zhangzu Wang submitted on 21/Oct/2024
Review Comment:

The paper after revision flows better than the original and my questions are mostly addressed. For example, Table 1 gives a clear summary of notations which helps significantly with the overall workflow. Besides, the stable url is also provided. The motivation of the work is justified and experiments show adequate support. Therefore I would recommend acceptance.