
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort descending Updated
The Bowlogna Ontology: Fostering Open Curricula and Agile Knowledge Bases for Europe’s Higher Education Landscape Accept 17,950 06/Oct/2012 a Library Linked Data Dataset Accept 18,128 18/Dec/2012
Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability Accept 18,139 05/Aug/2011
Ripple Down Rules for Question Answering Accept 18,184 08/Apr/2018
Reality Mining on Micropost Streams. Deductive and Inductive Reasoning for Personalized and Location-based Recommendations Accept 18,223 31/Mar/2013
A Semantic Role Repository Linking FrameNet and WordNet Reject 18,295 29/Nov/2013
Creativity is what we say it is: constructing an ontology of creativity Reject 18,413 11/Apr/2014
Personal Learning Environments on the Social Semantic Web Accept 18,573 10/Jan/2012
A Linked Data Wrapper for CrunchBase Accept 18,758 15/Mar/2017
A collaborative methodology for developing a semantic model for interlinking Cancer Chemoprevention linked data sources Accept 19,000 19/Apr/2013
Towards a New Generation of Ontology Based Data Access Accept 19,159 16/Dec/2019
User Preferences in the Web of Data Accept 19,164 12/Sep/2012
Link Traversal Querying for a diverse Web of Data Accept 19,318 07/Oct/2022
Stream Reasoning and Complex Event Processing in ETALIS Accept 19,449 14/Sep/2012
Design and Development of Linked Data from The National Map Accept 19,524 06/Oct/2012
Collaborative multilingual knowledge management based on controlled natural language Accept 19,628 20/Apr/2016
ClioPatria: A SWI-Prolog Infrastructure for the Semantic Web Accept 19,644 15/Mar/2017
TheSoz: A SKOS Representation of the Thesaurus for the Social Sciences Accept 19,681 13/Sep/2012
Using Syntactic and Semantic Analyses to Improve the Quality of Requirements Documentation Accept 19,753 14/Jul/2012
Facilitating integrated analysis of biological data by enhancing interoperability of RDF resources: Practical Recommendations Reject and Resubmit 20,081 14/Aug/2012
Transforming Meteorological Data into Linked Data Accept 20,157 26/Nov/2012
Semantic Search on the Web Accept 20,216 08/Dec/2010
Semantic Technologies for Historical Research: A Survey Accept 20,751 20/Apr/2016
The Mastro System for Ontology-based Data Access Accept 20,766 08/Feb/2011
Applying Linked Data Approaches to Pharmacology: Architectural Decisions and Implementation Accept 20,779 03/Nov/2012
Knowledge Graph Refinement: A Survey of Approaches and Evaluation Methods Accept 20,884 08/Apr/2018
The Role of Space and Time For Knowledge Organization on the Semantic Web Accept 21,162 08/Dec/2010
Watson, more than a Semantic Web search engine Accept 21,266 03/Mar/2011
Paraconsistent OWL and Related Logics Accept 21,320 29/Mar/2012
