
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
A Web Interface to a Probabilistic OWL Reasoner Reject 4,709 14/Dec/2015
TermPicker: Enabling the Reuse of Vocabulary Terms by Exploiting Data from the Linked Open Data Cloud Reject 4,776 14/Dec/2015
Topic Modeling for Linked Open Vocabularies Reject 5,781 23/Nov/2015
Building Geoscience Semantic Web Applications Using Established Ontologies Reject 5,751 19/Nov/2015
Considerations regarding Ontology Design Patterns Accept 11,442 04/Nov/2015
Energy Efficiency Measures as Linked Open Data Major Revision 6,475 02/Nov/2015
Interoperable read-write Linked Data application development with the LDP4j framework Reject 6,342 28/Oct/2015
OLOUD – An Ontology for Linked Open University Data Major Revision 9,809 28/Oct/2015
Facilitating Data-Flows at a Global Publisher using the Linked Data Stack Reject 6,134 23/Oct/2015
A meaning-based algorithm for ontology matching Major Revision 7,197 23/Oct/2015
Design of Ontology for Launch Vehicle Mission Simulation Software Generation Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,448 22/Oct/2015
Web Content Extraction Using Contextual Rules Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,245 02/Oct/2015
An SQL to SPARQL mapping algorithm for RDF querying without instances translation Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,330 22/Sep/2015
x-Avalanche: Optimisation Techniques for Large Scale Federated SPARQL Query Processing Major Revision 5,854 10/Sep/2015
Visual Querying LOD sources with LODeX Reject 5,967 02/Sep/2015
Semantics and Provenance for Accountable Smart City Applications Reject 7,056 19/Jul/2015
Multi-viewpoint ontology construction and classification by non-experts and crowdsourcing: the case of diet effect on health Major Revision 6,635 19/Jul/2015
A survey of RDB to RDF translation approaches and tools Major Revision 7,122 19/Jul/2015
A Semantic Similarity Measure for Linked Data: An Information Content-Based Approach Reject 4,827 14/Jul/2015
Disclose High Quality Structured Data with Airpedia Reject 6,443 06/Jul/2015
HyS: Fast Atomic Decomposition and Module Extraction of OWL-EL ontologies Major Revision 6,099 06/Jul/2015
Testing OWL Axioms Against RDF Facts: A Possibilistic Approach [EKAW] conference only accept 4,859 02/Jul/2015
SPARQL Template: A Transformation Language for RDF [EKAW] reject 4,888 02/Jul/2015
A Toolset for Supporting Evolution and Preservation of Linked Data: the DIACHRON approach Reject 6,497 16/Jun/2015
Enhancing usability of domain ontology using natural language access Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,349 16/Jun/2015
Editorial Accept 11,185 09/Jun/2015
Enriching concepts in domain ontologies using context-aware and semantic similarity [EKAW] reject 4,755 30/May/2015
One Summary to Show them All? Introducing a Common API for Entity Summarization [EKAW] reject 5,900 22/May/2015
World War 1 as Linked Open Data Reject 8,797 20/May/2015
