
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort descending
Large-Scale Semantic Exploration of Scientific Literature using Topic-based Hashing Algorithms Accept 7,369 13/Apr/2020
Findable and Reusable Workflow DataProducts: A Genomic Workflow Case Study Accept 7,657 13/Apr/2020
Weather Data Publication on the LOD using SOSA/SSN Ontology Accept 14,416 13/Apr/2020
ExtruOnt: An Ontology for describing a type of manufacturing machine for Industry 4.0 systems Accept 7,950 15/Apr/2020
An RDF/OWL2 model to represent complex, annotated and temporally limited relations between concepts in a cultural heritage context Reject 4,376 29/Apr/2020
A Semantic Approach to Model Multimedia Information and Social Networks for Cultural Heritage Reject 4,213 29/Apr/2020
HDT crypt: Compression and Encryption of RDF Datasets Accept 12,908 11/May/2020
Inductive learning of OWL 2 property chains Reject 4,091 15/May/2020
RDFAdaptor: A set of ETL plugins for RDF data processing Reject 4,169 15/May/2020
Development and Quality Evaluation of Hazelnut Ontology Reject 4,039 15/May/2020
Identifying Cross Section Technology Application Through Chinese Patent Analysis Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,156 18/May/2020
TripleTree: Exploiting Redundancy Aware Trees to Compress and Process RDF Triples Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,695 30/May/2020
Crowd-sourced Digital Humanities linked data contributing to library datasets: the case of the Listening Experience Database Reject 11,005 07/Jun/2020
A Chinese Linked Open Data Model Based on Data Field and Sequence Alignment Theory Reject 6,404 08/Jun/2020
The POSTDATA Network of Ontologies for European Poetry Reject (Two Strikes) 3,922 09/Jun/2020
Approaches to Measure Class Importance in Knowledge Graphs Reject 3,310 19/Jun/2020
Creative AI: a New Avenue for Semantic Web? Accept 7,555 28/Jun/2020
A sustainable open data platform for air quality data Reject 3,394 29/Jun/2020
CMDI Roadmap: Visualization, Interaction and Analysis of Heterogeneous Textbook Resources Reject 3,517 03/Jul/2020
EDR: A Generic Approach for the Distribution of Rule-Based Reasoning in a Cloud-Fog continuum Accept 6,800 04/Jul/2020
Ontologies for Observations and Actuations in Buildings: A Survey Accept 8,115 04/Jul/2020
Semantics in the Edge: Sensors and Actuators in the Web of Linked Data and Things Accept 5,761 06/Jul/2020
A Topic Ontology for Modeling Topics of Old Press Articles Reject 3,982 23/Jul/2020
RomanOpenData: An Application of Semantic Technologies to Roman Amphora Epigraphy Reject 3,810 24/Jul/2020
CAFE: Fact Checking in Knowledge Graphs using Neighborhood-Aware Features Reject 3,878 24/Jul/2020
Systematic Performance Analysis of Distributed SPARQL Query Executing Using Spark-SQL Reject 4,073 02/Aug/2020
Optimizing Tableau Reasoning: a Prolog-based Framework Reject (Two Strikes) 3,961 03/Aug/2020
Editorial: Special Issue on Semantic eScience: Methods, tools and applications Accept 5,378 04/Aug/2020
A Biaswalk Based RDF Entity Embeddings Reject 3,810 12/Aug/2020
