Review Comment:
The paper aims to study how ontologies can support the task of rightsizing HVAC systems for buildings. The authors point out the lack of interoperability between BIM data and building energy system data, and claims that ontologies can solve these interoperability issues. While the aim is interesting and it seems like a good use case for ontologies, unfortunately I find that the paper has some shortcomings that results in my suggestion to resubmit the paper in another form.
First of all, the paper is submitted as full research paper, but it is not clear what the main research contribution is. While the application of ontologies to this specific use case might be novel, the application described and the evaluation as it is outlined now in the paper does not really provide any new knowledge for the semantic web community and research field. Hence, in my opinion it does not warrant a publication as a full research paper (where originality and significance of the research results are the main review criteria). Therefore I would suggest one of the following options to the authors; (1) consider submitting the paper to a journal in the field of BIM, energy management, or sustainability, where the application of ontologies to this problem may be seen as novel research results, (2) shorten the paper and resubmit it to SWJ (or a related conference) either as an “application report”, or reframe it and focus on the ontologies only, which might fit the submission SWJ category “descriptions of ontologies”, or (3) extend the evaluation to really study the contribution of the ontologies in this use case, e.g. by isolating the use of the ontologies from the extended algorithms, so that the contribution of the technology for data integration can be studied in itself. Regarding the suggestion (1), to me it seems that this is actually the target of the paper right now, i.e. the development and evaluation of improved rightsizing methods, rather than the evaluation of an ontology-driven data environment, so this would probably require the least effort. The authors evaluate the proposed method against simplified methods that are used today, but the evaluation does not specifically show what the contribution of the ontology is in all this, or whether it is actually the algorithms that are improved and that’s what makes the difference. For the other options the authors need to be very careful to point out the novelty and contribution of the approach, for the targeted community.
In addition of the problem regarding lack of contribution, I also find the general story of the paper to be a bit confusing. Rightsizing is the main target of the paper, as stated in the title and introduction, however, later on the evaluation applied the proposed methods and tools on a use case of an existing school building. I fail to see how this can show that the method is applicable when simulating new houses. How and from where would similar data be available at the planning stage?
Further, it is not clear what the authors have actually built. Is it a new ontology? An extension to existing ontologies? Or just applying existing ontologies together, and adding some algorithms on top? Early on in the paper the authors say that existing ontologies are not enough to model the domain, but then say that their contribution is to combine them - how does that add up? If the existing ontologies do not cover everything needed, then how can you apply a combination of them without extending them? This is not clarified by the details in the paper, where the illustrations seems to be using a mix of concepts and properties from many ontologies, including ones that may not even exist, or are just examples (see detailed questions below). The
ontology/ontology integration is also not motivated by any requirements presented, which leaves the reader wondering why some modelling choices are made. For instance, why do you need a caso:State related to the weat:WindSpeed and/or the dco:CO”Concentration instances, and not just directly add the value on the wind speed node or the CO2 concentration nodes respectively? I guess you for some reason want to capture the concept of wind speed in a certain location, separately from the wind speed in that location at a certain time, but since there are no requirements listed I have no idea why you want to have a separate instance for the wind speed itself (and in fact, in Figure 1 I wonder why the instance of weat:WindSpeed and bot:Site has the same URIs, perhaps this is a typo). Related to the pressure drop there is an example of having data directly related both to the pressure drop and the state nodes, however, I fail to understand what this means. What is actually a pressure drop, which is without any time relation? In the text, you indicate that it is something like a capacity, but shouldn’t that be a property on the radiator then rather than the pressure drop instance? Overall, I would strongly suggest to separate the description of the integrated model, i.e. ontology, and the data. A data example, like in Figure 1, makes sense, but not without first describing the overall model, and why it is built/integrated in a certain way.
Some detailed issues and questions regarding the paper:
- Why are BOT, FSO and FPO not sufficient for the mentioned use case? What is actually missing? You need to analyse related work more in detail, to show exactly what gap (in the ontologies) you are filling here.
- One of the research questions is whether the needed properties can be covered by interlinking (whatever that means? integrating? aligning? extending?) existing ontologies or whether a new ontology is needed. However, this is not really discussed and studied in the paper. Instead the authors simply go ahead and build something, based partly on the existing ontologies.
- Section 2.1 lacks several references to all the tools and methods related to BEM.
- Section 2.2 does not really make it clear if the problem with data loss is really a problem of expressivity in the tools (i.e. what can be modelled and stored) or if it is a problem of usability and that users are not able to correctly transfer data between tools (i.e. the tools allow the data to be expressed, but users are not able to do it, e.g. due to usability of the tools or something else).
- In the same section you also say that existing ontologies are not sufficient, but that interlinking them will solve the problem. See also discussion previously in this review, but this needs to be expanded and explained - what are exactly the gaps, and if there are really gaps, how can just linking ontologies solve it? Don’t you need to extend some ontologies? And additionally, what exactly does “interlinking” mean here?
- Figure 1 needs a legend, not only explaining the colored areas, but also the notation of the figure. I assume this is a kind of RDF graph, where in addition the blue boxes on top of some nodes illustrate the rdf:type relation to some ontology class? This needs to be made explicit. In addition, there are namespaces in the figure that are not in Table 1, e.g. dogont:, oum:, and ex: (is the latter an existing ontology, or just examples of possible properties?). Are any of the latter actually your own extension to the existing ontologies? If yes, it should be published under a permanent URI which is shared in the paper.
- In section 3 it is not clear where the data is expected to come from, i.e. is the data entered manually, or retrieved from some existing system or API? If data is not originally in RDF, how is the mapping expressed and executed? Do you use RML for instance? Weather data I assume you can retrieve from some APIs of weather
services, is that what you mean by “weather files”? If there is a large amount of manual work involved in data entry, that would reduce the feasibility and usefulness of the approach, since that raises the question: why not immediately enter the data into the simulation tool directly, why take the detour with annotating it with an ontology?
- Overall, the evaluation setup is poorly described. The tools used are not described in detail, nor is the process, i.e. what parts are manual and what is automated in your tool chain? Further, some of the measures used seem vague to me, for instance, how can indoor climate be a KPI, how do you measure that? In the introduction to 4.1 you say that you aim to determine and visualise the indoor climate, but what is the measure of success here on which you compare the methods? Usability? Or some sort of accuracy? Section 4.1.2 also completely misses any details, i.e. on the algorithm, tools, and data used.
- Overall, it is also not clear where the proposed algorithms have been implemented. Inside the tools mentioned? In a stand-alone tool connecting existing tools? Or not at all?
- In section 5.2.1 you retrieve the maximum CO2 level in the knowledge base through the query in Listing 1, but then in Figure 5 you visualise the yearly maximum, which is not a criteria in the query.
- The conclusions of the paper in section 7 match the results, but has nothing to do with the research questions, including the aim in section 1.5, which was about more efficient data management, and demonstrating the advantage of an ontology-driven CDE.