Review Comment:
REVIEW Paper ID 3701
1. Summary
The article illustrate an approach for the representation of Kripke models for propositional modal logic into RDF.
After providing a motivating introduction to their work, the authors present a running example based on a scenario involving reasoning in presence of heterogeneous data sources.
Then, after the (polyadic) modal logic preliminaries and the positioning of their approach with respect to others in the literature, the core encoding of Kripke structures and models into RDF is presented. Here, the fundamental idea is to represent that an atom is true at some world by stating that an RDF triple (expressing the propositional atom) is in turn in the "verifiedIn" or "noVerifiedIn" relation with a Possible Hyper-world. Several RDF notations are considered and discussed.
Subsequently, the authors show how to represent N-ary accessibility relations in their RDF framework, again comparing different modelling possibilities (lists and classes for relation instances).
In the following section, they present a small ontology that formalises the constructors and their properties presented so far.
Finally, the authors focus on discussing alternatives for functions that map RDF graphs into logical statements, and provide examples of SPARQL queries using the introduced RDF features. Some paragraphs on potential applications and a conclusive summary close the paper.
2. Evaluation
# Novelty and significance
In terms of novelty and significance, the contribution -- in its current state -- is definitely not groundbreaking. The core idea, to represent Kripke structures and models using RDFs triples, is quite natural and easy to grasp, and over the whole paper very little modelling techniques and remarks seem to stand out as extremely significant. FInally, the references should be significantly extended to include relevant literature on automated theorem proving in modal logic, description logics, modal description logics, and ontology-based data management. The applications are vague and sketchy, and much more should be said about positioning, related work, and concrete problems that such a proposal could address and solve.
# Technical quality and rigour
Technically, the paper is quite shallow as well. Again, most of the encodings regarding Kripke models (and related notions) in RDF are straightforward, and do not require neither particular hacks over the RDF capabilities, nor a deep understanding on the modal logic side (other than the very basic definitions). Some of the definitions here provided could benefit from better explanations on the RDF technicalities involved. The connections with other strictly frameworks, such as modal/temporal description logics or other many-dimensional formalisms, are only superficially mentioned, but no deeper analysis is provided (for instance, if an RDF triple is a logical statement that can actually be expressed as an assertional axiom of a description logic, I would expect that by relativising these statements to possible worlds one would get a natural fragment of a modal description logic).
# Clarity of presentation
The paper is quite easy to follow, although it could be significantly improved with respect to motivations and examples. With respect to the former, a wider and more concrete set of potential applications should be devised. With respect to the latter, a toy scenario involving a more complex formula evaluation would greatly improve the paper. Last but not least, many phrases are too vague and several claims are too generic to be properly evaluated (see "Detailed feedback" below). A thorough rewriting of these parts is definitely needed.
# General evaluation
Overall, I believe that the article in its current form requires a thorough round of major revision before being considered for publication in this venue.
3. Detailed feedback
- P. 2, LL. 24-32
This paragraph seems quite unsuccessful in explaining the "limitations of modal logic". What does it mean that the the models "must be given a priori"? To which reasoning problem(s) are the authors referring here, exactly? The subsequent sentences are equally obscure. Given that the claimed limitations of modal logic are not stated very clearly, the usefulness of Semantic Web technologies to overcome these supposed difficulties remains unconvincing. I suggest to rephrase the sentences of this paragraph so to be less vague.
- P. 2, LL. 33-40
This paragraph falls quite short in providing an overview of the integration of modalities in Semantic Web technologies. The mentioned references are actually taken from the modal and description logic literature. Rather than providing a simple example, I suggest the authors to widen the connections with the broad literature on automated reasoning and modal logics, description logics, ontology-based data management (with the inconsistency-handling literature as a particularly interesting case), etc.
- P. 2, LL. 41-51
Similarly to what mentioned above, I found this motivation paragraph quite vague and unconvincing. First, it would be helpful to provide some references associated with each of the mentioned applications, in order to allow the reader to find support in the literature regarding the problems that this contribution is supposed to address. Secondly, "enabling different families of motivating scenarios" sounds like a weak formulation: is it possible to strengthen it, and to actually show more concrete examples where the approach suggested by the authors could be of concrete help? Last but not least (and related to the above observations), please rephrase or make more precise very vague (albeit very common) claims such as "facilitate interoperability between heterogeneous systems".
- PP. 3-4
The Section "Running Example" (admittedly) contains a very simplistic example, and some of the elements involved in the figure do not seem to be even covered in detail by the contribution (for instance, the provenance of the data seems orthogonal to the content of the article). I suggest the authors to provide some more details on this topic in the remainder of the paper (possibly even as future work?), or to remove from the example (and the picture) some unnecessary elements that do not play any actual role.
- P. 3, L. 5
The title "State of the art" for this section, as well as the choice of the content, seems a bit inappropriate. I would suggest "Preliminaries" for a section that contains the actual technical preliminaries, and to split in a separate section the "Related Work and Positioning" parts.
- P. 10, L. 3
Regarding the phrase "Property :verifiedIn is then used to map a rdf:Statement to a :PossibleWorld", I believe it would be appropriate to briefly discuss how map a statement to a set of possible worlds, instead (as one would expect from the semantics). Did you devise an RDF encoding to explicitly allow for this? Or is it just a matter of repeating a property, e.g. by suitably adding triples that state in which other worlds a statement is true?
- P. 12, LL. 35-36
Are ", " here a shorthand of any kind? Is there any connection with RDF Containers or Collection (such as the lists used later on) that is worth mentioning already at this point? Please clarify this aspects, also with respect to the above observation of associating a statement to a set of worlds, rather than a single one.
-P. 20, LL. 43 and ffw.
The title "Discussing the function f" could be improved by explicitly mentioning what is the role played by f (e.g., "Mapping RDF triples into logical statements").
Overall, this section appears also quite preliminary (as indeed admitted by the authors themselves). I understand that the authors would like to keep open the choice of the mapping f, depending on applications, but it is unclear which properties this translation should respect in order to be considered satisfactory. For instance, focusing on the proposed example that maps the merge of RDF graphs into a conjunction, how should it behave with respect to negation? Is there even a way to represent operations on RDF graphs that can "mimic" all the boolean operators on formulas? Is there such a way at least for a positive/Horn fragment of modal logic (e.g., in the description logic notation, the logic EL)? Are there ontologies of logical expressions that can be modified and integrated in the proposed framework?
- P. 20, LL. 48-51
The remainder of the grammar for modal formulas at this point is completely unnecessary. I suggest to remove it.
- P. 21, LL. 10-11
It is unclear in which sense the authors claim that "some reasoner should treat such situations as violating the definition of Kripke models".
- P. 21, L. 14 & fwd.
What is the connection with Assertional axioms in modalised description logics and the RDF triples that you consider in this setting? Can something more be said about the connection between this formalisms, here and elsewhere in the paper?
- P. 21, LL. 32 & fwd.
The subsection on the representation of negation (and the subsequent on conjunction) deserves some more discussion. For instance, the RDF approach by the authors does not seem to provide any mechanism to connect the behaviour of "isNotVerifiedIn" with that of "isVerifiedIn" by using "isNegationOf". More in general, "isNotVerifiedIn" with that of "isVerifiedIn" (from above) do not seem to ever be stated as to represent mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive occurrences.
- P. 24, L. 25
I would suggest to move the content of the footnote into the main text, and to expand the discussion on this, to make it easier for the reader to follow the example. Moreover, the content of the whole subsection should be greatly expanded: as it is now, the tile "Reasoning with PWKSO and SPARQL" seems a massive overstatement, given that the paragraph only claim to shows how to make the representation of an accessibility relation symmetric. What else can be done, and how? Is this section about frame conditions, or about reasoning? What is the impact of the former over the latter, and how do you envisage the integration of reasoning services within your framework? These question remain relatively unanswered.
P. 24, L. 42 & fwd.
The title could be shortened by removing what follows after the colon.
The whole paragraph, however, is too vague and unclear. At the beginning, are the authors also referring to modal description logics, and in general many-dimensional modal logic formalisms, in which one associates to states in one dimension a relational structure that represents states of another dimension (e.g., temporal description logics, with one dimension representing time points and the precedence relation between them, and the other dimension modelling objects and relations between them that evolve over time points)?
Moreover, what exactly is the connection with PDL and DEL? How are, for instance, the operators of PDL represented with this "nesting" trick? The content of the paragraph is too high-level to be properly understood and evaluated. It should be completely revised, expanded, and made more precise.
- P. 25, LL. 35 & fwd.
The overall "large panel of applications" (an expression that I suggest to revise anyway) is also quite vague and unsatisfactory. For instance, to justify the applicability of the proposed framework to knowledge graph merging and inconsistency handling, one would require a much stronger example than the toy scenario given at the beginning, or -- at least -- a detailed analysis of the problems that can be actually covered, and how such framework is better in dealing with them, compared to other approaches from the literature. How does this setting position with respect to modal description logics? Can the provided representation be somehow "embedded" in more expressive formalisms, and how? Many more references and details could be added to this conclusive part of the paper.
# Typos
- P. 3, L. 48: is "differed processing" intended? what does it mean?
- P. 6, L. 45: "modilizing" -> "modalizing"
- P. 13, L. 28: "This need to qualify" -> It should be "needs", but the whole sentence is not very clear? What is "This" referring to?
- P. 20, L. 37: "kripke" -> "Kripke"
- P. 21, L. 45: "isPresidentOf" -> "isNotPresidentOf"?
- P. 22, L. 36: "postulate." -> "postulate:"