
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
PowerAqua: supporting users in querying and exploring the Semantic Web content Accept 29,719 06/Oct/2012
The Bowlogna Ontology: Fostering Open Curricula and Agile Knowledge Bases for Europe’s Higher Education Landscape Accept 17,951 06/Oct/2012
Publishing Bibliographic Data on the Semantic Web using BibBase Accept 35,651 06/Oct/2012
Injecting semantic annotations into (geospatial) Web service descriptions Accept 69,680 06/Oct/2012
A Systemic Approach for Eff ective Semantic Access to Cultural Content Accept 21,437 06/Oct/2012
Design and Development of Linked Data from The National Map Accept 19,524 06/Oct/2012
Enabling the Geospatial Semantic Web with Parliament and GeoSPARQL Accept 42,827 06/Oct/2012
FactForge: A fast track to the web of data Accept 42,343 06/Oct/2012
Transition of Legacy Systems to Semantic Enabled Application: TAO Method and Tools Accept 25,310 06/Oct/2012
A Classification of Semantic Annotation Systems Accept 41,063 06/Oct/2012
Comparison of Reasoners for large Ontologies in the OWL 2 EL Profile Accept 31,717 06/Oct/2012
Is Question Answering fit for the Semantic Web?: a Survey. Accept 22,834 06/Oct/2012
Approaches to Visualising Linked Data: A Survey Accept 47,537 06/Oct/2012
A Curated and Evolving Linguistic Linked Dataset Accept 16,687 05/Oct/2012
Eventseer: Calls for Papers as Linked Data Major Revision 10,071 25/Sep/2012
An Architecture of a Distributed Semantic Social Network Accept 30,754 16/Sep/2012
Stream Reasoning and Complex Event Processing in ETALIS Accept 19,450 14/Sep/2012
TheSoz: A SKOS Representation of the Thesaurus for the Social Sciences Accept 19,681 13/Sep/2012
User Preferences in the Web of Data Accept 19,166 12/Sep/2012
Linked Data Representation of the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics Accept 22,531 11/Sep/2012
Facebook Linked Data via the Graph API Accept 23,797 11/Sep/2012
A Survey on Semantic Scientific Workflow Reject 10,461 09/Sep/2012
Geospatial Semantics and Linked Spatiotemporal Data – Past, Present, and Future Accept 17,470 08/Sep/2012
Complexity of redundancy detection on RDF graphs in the presence of rules, constraints, and queries Accept 15,457 05/Sep/2012
Making Web-Scale Semantic Reasoning More Service- Oriented: The Large Knowledge Collider Reject and Resubmit 9,066 05/Sep/2012
A Semantic Assistant Agent for Digital Libraries Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,640 03/Sep/2012
ArabSearch - A Semantic Agent for Searching Using Semantics Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,574 03/Sep/2012
Linking Earth and Climate Science: Semantic Search Supporting Investigation of Climate Change Reject and Resubmit 14,350 01/Sep/2012
Model Outlines: a Visual Language for DL Concept Descriptions Accept 13,905 29/Aug/2012
