
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
Event Prediction in Online Social Networks Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,648 24/Sep/2020
Interoperability Using Semantic Web Technologies Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,500 24/Sep/2020
One-shot HDT-based Semantic Labeling of Entity Columns in Tabular Data Reject 3,708 22/Sep/2020
Survey on complex ontology matching Accept 8,544 17/Sep/2020
Recursion in SPARQL Accept 5,676 17/Sep/2020
Applying and Developing Semantic Web Technologies for Exploiting a Corpus in History of Science: the Case Study of the Henri Poincaré Correspondence Accept 5,720 17/Sep/2020
UCQ-rewritings for Disjunctive Knowledge and Queries with Negated Atoms Accept 5,396 17/Sep/2020
Link maintenance for integrity in linked open data evolution: literature survey and open challenges Accept 5,934 17/Sep/2020
Typology-based Semantic Labeling of Numeric Tabular Data Accept 5,906 17/Sep/2020
Understanding the phenomenology of reading through modelling Accept 5,717 11/Sep/2020
Legal Judgment Elements Extraction Approach with Law Article-aware Mechanism Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,251 11/Sep/2020
Modeling Execution Techniques of Inscriptions Accept 6,107 10/Sep/2020
OntoAndalus: an ontology of Islamic artefacts for terminological purposes Accept 7,415 10/Sep/2020
Challenge-derived design principles for a semantic gazetteer for medieval and early modern places Accept 7,339 10/Sep/2020
Video Representation and Suspicious Event Detection using Semantic Technologies Accept 5,775 10/Sep/2020
Extending ImageNet to Arabic using Arabic WordNet Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,494 10/Sep/2020
Description of educational resources from open repositories using semantic technologies Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,899 10/Sep/2020
Identitas:Semantics-Free and Human-readable Identifiers Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,224 05/Sep/2020
A Comparative Study of Methods for a Priori Prediction of MCQ Difficulty Accept 6,097 03/Sep/2020
An Unsupervised Approach to Disjointness Learning based on Terminological Cluster Trees Accept 5,295 03/Sep/2020
Gravsearch: transforming SPARQL to query humanities data Accept 7,177 03/Sep/2020
Gold-Level Open Access at the Semantic Web Journal Accept 5,934 31/Aug/2020
Focused Categorization Power of Ontologies: General Framework and Study on Simple Existential Concept Expressions Reject 4,066 28/Aug/2020
BOT: the Building Topology Ontology of the W3C Linked Building Data Group Accept 8,407 24/Aug/2020
RDF Graph Validation Using Rule-Based Reasoning Accept 6,893 17/Aug/2020
S-Paths: Set-Based Visual Exploration of Linked Data Driven by Semantic Paths Accept 6,831 17/Aug/2020
Introducing the Data Quality Vocabulary (DQV) Accept 6,424 17/Aug/2020
Difficulty-level Modeling of Ontology-based Factual Questions Accept 9,069 17/Aug/2020
Proposed WebGIS Development Framework with usability elelments prioritized. Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,283 14/Aug/2020
