
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort descending
Countering language attrition with PanLex and the Web of Data Accept 14,979 20/Apr/2016
Semantic Quran a Multilingual Resource for Natural-Language Processing Accept 15,618 20/Apr/2016
Multilingual Linked Data Patterns Accept 16,336 20/Apr/2016
Coupling conceptual modeling and rules for the annotation of dramatic media Accept 12,071 20/Apr/2016
Probabilistic Description Logics under the Distribution Semantics Accept 11,581 20/Apr/2016
Sound, Complete and Minimal UCQ-Rewriting for Existential Rules Accept 13,184 20/Apr/2016
Forest Logging: A Trace-Based Analysis of Large Rule-Based Computations Accept 11,459 20/Apr/2016
Semantic Technologies for Historical Research: A Survey Accept 20,702 20/Apr/2016
Semantic Web Journal Volume 6 Issue 6 Accept 10,131 20/Apr/2016
Selected Papers from the Combined EKAW 2014 and Semantic Web Journal Track Accept 9,596 06/May/2016
An empirical performance evaluation of a semantic-based data retrieving process from RDBs & RDF data storages Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,089 09/May/2016
An intelligent framework for the semantic web Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,272 11/May/2016
Mapping Articles on China in Wikipedia: An Inter-Language Semantic Network Analysis Reject 7,841 13/May/2016
The Yin and Yang of Privacy and Recommendation Reject 5,419 30/May/2016
SNEIT : Salient Named Entity Identification in Tweets Reject 5,070 02/Jun/2016
The effect of generalization on user interpretation of topical overviews Reject 5,480 06/Jun/2016
A logical characterisation of SPARQL federation Accept 15,011 08/Jun/2016
Affective Graphs: The Visual Appeal of Linked Data Accept 16,404 09/Jun/2016
IoT-O: a core domain ontology for IoT Reject 4,844 14/Jun/2016
OnGIS: Semantic query broker for heterogeneous geospatial data sources Reject 5,978 15/Jun/2016
Editorial Accept 9,848 15/Jun/2016
Ontology design patterns for annotation: The ORG ontology localization use case Major Revision 11,842 22/Jun/2016
Terminological Tree-based Models for Inductive Classification in Description Logics Reject 4,511 24/Jun/2016
Web Content Extraction Using Context Variables Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,088 24/Jun/2016 An Interoperable Framework for Web Knowledge Bases Reject 4,648 09/Jul/2016
Private Record Linkage Reject 5,721 13/Jul/2016
A fast and efficient approach for link discovery in Linked Data Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,113 13/Jul/2016
Being in Social Architectures - A Case study of Knowledge Professionals’ Experiences of Being in Social Enterprise Media Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,153 19/Jul/2016
Identifying Global Common Concepts of DBpedia Ontology to Enhance Multilingual Ontologized Space Expansion Reject 4,762 25/Jul/2016
