
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort descending
The Alignment API 4.0 Accept 50,193 08/Dec/2010
LOIT: An indexing tool based on LOM ontology Reject 5,952 08/Dec/2010
The Coreference Portal: A Platform for Searching and Managing Data Links in the Semantic Web Reject 5,665 08/Dec/2010
The Alignment server: storing and sharing alignments on the semantic web Reject and Resubmit 7,169 08/Dec/2010
OWLSBuilder: Building Semantic Web Services With In-Language Annotations Reject and Resubmit 5,908 08/Dec/2010
An Approach for Distributed Reasoning on the Semantic Web Reject and Resubmit 6,246 08/Dec/2010
A Reasonable Semantic Web Accept 71,882 08/Dec/2010
A pedagogical model for e-learning tools design: a semiotic engineering approach Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,472 08/Dec/2010
On the Provenance of Linked Data Statistics Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,371 08/Dec/2010
The OWL API: A Java API for OWL Ontologies Accept 37,035 08/Dec/2010
Ontology Alignment using Machine Learning Techniques Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,500 08/Dec/2010
OWLlink Accept 29,633 08/Dec/2010
OWLIM: A family of scalable semantic repositories Accept 22,951 05/Jan/2011
Graphical Query Builder in Opportunistic Sensor Networks to discover Sensor Information Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,312 01/Feb/2011
The Mastro System for Ontology-based Data Access Accept 20,478 08/Feb/2011
Scientific Discourse on the Semantic Web: A Survey of Models and Enabling Technologies Major Revision 60,037 10/Feb/2011
New directions for ontology design in history and archaeology Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,304 14/Feb/2011
Journal Impact Factor: A Measure of Quality or Popularity? Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,515 15/Feb/2011
Watson, more than a Semantic Web search engine Accept 20,906 03/Mar/2011
A semantic web annotation tool for a web-based audio sequencer Reject and Resubmit 6,638 03/Mar/2011
Semantic wiki engines: a state of the art Reject and Resubmit 6,185 03/Mar/2011
DLDB3: A Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base System Reject and Resubmit 5,978 03/Mar/2011
An Ontology-based Conversational Governmental Portal Reject and Resubmit 6,173 03/Mar/2011
MASTRO at Work: Real-world application of Ontology-based Data Access Reject and Resubmit 6,078 03/Mar/2011
Tag Cloud Query Builder for Semantic Web Knowledge Bases Reject and Resubmit 5,986 03/Mar/2011
LabelTranslator: A System for Localizing Ontologies in Collaborative Settings Reject and Resubmit 5,946 03/Mar/2011
Lookup, Explore, Discover: how DBpedia can improve your Web search Reject and Resubmit 7,080 03/Mar/2011
KOMMA: An Application Framework for Ontology-based Software Systems Reject and Resubmit 6,175 03/Mar/2011
The FLERSA Tool: Annotating Web Content Reject and Resubmit 6,205 03/Mar/2011
