
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
FRBR-ML: A FRBR-based Framework for Semantic Interoperability Accept 21,346 13/Jul/2011
Context-driven RDF Data Replication on Mobile Devices Accept 22,581 13/Jul/2011
Semantic Web Rules and Ontologies for Developing Personalized Mashups Reject and Resubmit 6,161 11/Jul/2011
Aligning Tweets with Events: Automation via Semantics Accept 24,979 22/Jun/2011
Similarity-based Browsing over Linked Open Data Reject and Resubmit 6,083 20/Jun/2011
An Ontology-Based Approach to Decision Support for Healthcare Workflows Reject and Resubmit 6,666 17/Jun/2011
Semantic integration of TV data and services: A survey on challenges, and approaches Reject and Resubmit 6,175 17/Jun/2011
ONTOLOGY: from Philosophy to ICT and related areas Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,459 02/Jun/2011
The ICOM 3.0 Intelligent Conceptual Modelling tool and methodology Accept 16,636 16/May/2011
Enriching WordNet Ontology using Coarse-Grained Word Senses Reject 5,579 14/May/2011
A web2.0 collaborative cultural heritage archive with recommender system over trace based reasoning Reject 5,293 14/May/2011
Evaluating an interactive, subject-based search system within a digital library Reject 5,606 14/May/2011
Collaborative annotation of digital images: the CoDesPho project Reject 5,554 14/May/2011
Creating a Cultural Environment for Collective City Memory Reject and Resubmit 5,902 14/May/2011
A Survey of Semantic Metadata Management Models for Semantic Interoperability in the Social Web Reject and Resubmit 5,865 14/May/2011
Embedding an ontology in form fields on the web Reject 5,963 14/May/2011
Providing Thai herbal recommendation based on ontology and reasoning Reject and Resubmit 5,999 14/May/2011
Ontology Alignment using Machine Learning Techniques Reject 6,095 14/May/2011
Improve High Performance Factor For Floating Point SRT Division Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,331 13/May/2011
Automatic Word Sense Disambiguation Using Wikipedia Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,307 06/May/2011
S-Match: an open source framework for matching lightweight ontologies Accept 44,578 21/Apr/2011
Reexamining fiat, bona fide, and force dynamic boundaries for geopolitical entities and their placement in DOLCE Major Revision 6,807 16/Apr/2011
Modelling and Implementation Methodology in the IoT/LD Approach to the Semantic Web Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,337 28/Mar/2011
The RacerPro Knowledge Representation and Reasoning System Accept 32,574 07/Mar/2011
Building a volcano-domain ontology Reject 6,399 03/Mar/2011
Semantic Annotation of Online Ad Portals Reject 5,964 03/Mar/2011
Semantic Image Annotation By Co-Quotation Method Based on Ontology Reject 5,877 03/Mar/2011
KGRAM: a Generic SPARQL Interpreter for Linked Data Querying and Mashup Reject 6,041 03/Mar/2011
Empowering Enterprise Data Governance with the Business Semantics Glossary - an illustration in the Flemish Public Administration Reject 5,854 03/Mar/2011
