Review Comment:
The vision paper discusses the shift in focus of cultural heritage / digital humanities research from the so-called "first generation systems" that facilitate data integration and search, to the so-called "second generation systems" that provide users with tools for solving research problems in interactive ways (i.e., without (as much) need for technical expertise in the underlying data representation languages, standards, etc.).
Main comments
The paper is easy to read and overall it is well structured. At times it is a bit vague and would benefit from more concrete examples (see detailed comments).
Throughout the paper, "humanist research(er)" should be replaced with "humanities research(er)". I can be a humanist researcher and not a researcher of humanities.
It's mentioned that there's been a great deal of effort in developing languages and standards to facilitate data aggregation and integration, however, it's unclear from the paper (section 1.1) how these advances have played a role in cultural heritage research.
Generally I think the paper would benefit from focusing less on the Sampo series of services (Section 4) and more on the envisioned impact of the shift to 2nd generation systems; are we there yet? what will it take to get there? who can help, and how?
Detailed comments
L40: "From a SW research point of view..." - This sentence is too long and difficult to understand your point. Consider it breaking apart.
L43: "and structured data in different forms" - Examples would be helpful.
L34: "As a result" - Result of what?
L43: Consider explaining what CIDOC and LRM are; there's no description of them in the paper.
L4: "In the following" - In the following "section"?
L5: "will be 1st generation CH..." - Will be "referred to as"?
L29: "tools are not integrated with LD formats" - Sounds odd to say they're not integrated with formats. They might not 'support' those formats.
L31: "into forms required" -> into "formats"? What formats are those?
L1: Fig. 1 should either be better described in the text, or have a more self-contained caption explaining the figure.
L15: "solving DH research problems" - It would be helpful to have an illustrative example of such problems, and to hear how semantic web technologies help(ed) solve these problems.
L39: Could not access CultureSampo service -- server error. Unclear whether TravelSampo is online/working -- I couldn't find a link to the portal, only documentation about it.
L16: "mutually aligned metadata" - How were they aligned; automatically, manually? What specific standards were used for the alignments?
L19: "data is automatically linked" - How is this done automatically?
L23: "it can be enriched (linked)" - Again, how is this done? A more concrete example or scenario would be helpful here.
L38: "Sampo model... tested in a series of several practical case studies" - I suggest briefly describing these case studies to make the paper a bit more self-contained.
L50: "target group is analyzed" - What does this mean; how exactly was the group/data "analyzed"?
L1-2: "analysis in DH is done partly by machine partly by human" - What does each of these do/analyze, and how?
L7: "In statistic charts ... histograms are used" - Are used for what? I think the sentence is missing words / the intended meaning is unclear.
L21: "there are lots software packages" -> "there are a lot of".
L32: "and the problems are solved using faceted search" - It's unclear how these problems are solved just based on search; wouldn't a "1st generation system" suffice then?
L11: "some kind of commonness or average in them" - Dealing with the study of life histories, "average" sounds odd. What's the intended meaning here with "commonness or average"? Could you give an example?
L48: "finding interesting/serendipitous connections" - Interesting in what sense? What's the goal of this application?
L33: It would be helpful to have a description of these tools that solve digital humanities problems; how they work, what kinds of problems they can or help solve, etc.