Review Comment:
The authors have rewritten the article almost entirely, and all the concerns raised in the previous review seem now solved. However, the result is quite difficult to read, and the structure is sometimes confusing.
Specifically, Section 1 should be split from 1.2 onwards into a separate section(s?) dedicated to the problem formalisation and the discussion of related work. It is not a big problem that related work mixes with the problem description. However, sections and subsections should include more connecting sentences to help the reader follow the argumentation.
The lack of a clear place for related work can be confusing; maybe there can be a table summarising the options, with explicit nicknames (e.g. owl-plain-disjoint-classes, disjoint-classes with expressions, disjoint classes with cardinality, etc….)
The evaluation focuses on: (a) how the two solutions (OWL- and RDFS-compatible) can be applied; and (b) how both are solving the problem from the point of view of developing SPARQL queries to answer the questions. The evaluation does not essentially compare to alternative solutions. However, the evaluation framework should be presented and discussed before applying it. It should also be clarified why this approach to the evaluation was considered (how it relates to ontology engineering methodologies, for example).
The overall presentation requires further improvements, for example, formatting the code differently (e.g. using background colours, smaller text, etc.). Sometimes the pages are overcrowded with code snippets, which makes it harder to follow the content. This also applies to Tables.
Evaluating the usability of ontology engineering solutions is tricky, I can recommend the following paper on the topic:
Warren, Paul, Paul Mulholland, Trevor Collins, and Enrico Motta. "The usability of description logics." In European Semantic Web Conference, pp. 550-564. Springer, Cham, 2014.