Review Comment:
This paper is an in-depth piece of (formal) ontological analysis on the notions of engineering functions, behaviors and capabilities.
The authors provide a detailed review of the literature in this area, which is rather rich with diverging understandings for the notions examined.
They approach the problem by reusing DOLCE, with a focus on its notions of quality (particularized property) (intrinsic and relational), roles, dependence, foundation, perdurants (and their categories).
The paper has a number of (credible) examples. But the formalization is rather weak, not providing full characterizations of the main notions analyzed (quite differently from the foundational ontology employed.)
For example, in the analysis of behavior: the authors introduce two forms of participation using predicates participatesAsDoer and participatesAsFlow. But these are not fully characterized/defined and are key to the formalization of "Behaviour" in a8. (participatesAsFlow is not characterized formally.)
(By the way, a8's explanation reads with "if and only if" but a8 has a single conditional. So, it's not clear whether we have a definition for "Behaviour".)
In the analysis of functions, we get a distinction between systemic functions, ontological functions and engineering functions. Systemic functions are clearly defined.
Ontological functions, differently from systemic functions, are not fully characterized. We learn that they are specialized by systemic functions and there is some informal intuition that they are in a sense more abstract and system-independent. (Why use the "ontological" modification for function? This is so neutral and to me conveys no intuition with respect to the intended usage.)
Capacities are also only partially characterized.
Capabilities are characterized by example, and then later defined by using capacities and ontological functions, which in their turn were only partially characterized. Hence capabilities are also only partially characterized.
Overall, the relevance/motivation for the detailed analysis work is not provided to the reader, and the formalization as is cannot be used for formal analysis/theorem proving (and is not used in this way in the paper).
The derived OWL implementation is not used in a concrete application, it is only used to exemplify the kinds of queries that a conforming knowledge base could support.
In terms of related work, it covers a lot of ground. I found that it covers BFO-related work quite superficially, and does not engage with Ludger Jansen et al.'s work [1].
The authors should clarify the relevance of their work to the readership; provide evidence for the quality of the formalization -- which seems to have too many gaps in its current form; and perform some form of assessment of the implementation as well (beyond absence of contradiction).
The paper is very well-written and I just found minor typos:
p.2 line 42, "toMantain" should read "toMaintain".
p.3 lines 23-24, missing closing parenthesis.
p.3 lines 24-25, missing comma after [25].
p.3 line 27-28, "of an engineering systems"
p. 13 line 9-10 "the" is probably "them"
OWL implementation is available on GitHub.