Review Comment:
This tools and systems paper presents a framework and a toolset, called DIACHRON, for Linked Data (LD) publication.
The work covered addresses a wide variety of general problem areas in such work, such as data synchronization, curation, quality, citation, and archiving.
The topic fits well in the journal and the paper is generally well-written and finished.
In section 1 the challenges addressed in the paper are listed. The authors argue that the isssues "LOD is Structured, "LOD are Dynamic" and "LOD are Distributed" have not
been "actually addressed" before and no references to other LD publication and presenvation works are given. However, there are lots of LD platforms and publication projects around, and the relation and contributions of DIACHRON w.r.t. these remains unclear.
The paper then list five problems to be addressed in the paper (data monitoring, evolution, spatio-temporal quality, citation, and preservation). These issues are quite wide topics, and it is unclear what problems in particular are addressed, and how this work contributes to the state-of-the-art. No references to related works are given here.
Then, in section 2, three use cases for the framework are explained. A wide variety of issues is raised. The discussion remains on a very generic level. More focus and detail is needed.
Sections 3 and 4 present the platform and services of DIACHRON on a general level. It would be nice to learn more, why this architecture was chosen, and how it relates to other LD publication systems?
According to the text, he system has not been implemented and deployed, but "will be". Later on in the paper, it is said that there is a first prototype implemented. In a journal article, one needs to present evaluated results with pin-pointed contributions to the state-of-the-art.
Finally, five general qualities of the system are listed as a kind of goals of the work. No evaluations of the framework w.r.t. these are presented, or argumentation, and the contributions of the work remain unclear.