A Session-based Ontology Alignment Approach enabling User Involvement

Tracking #: 1352-2564

Patrick Lambrix
Rajaram Kaliyaperumal1

Responsible editor: 
Guest Editors Ontology and Linked Data Matching

Submission type: 
Full Paper
One of the current challenges in ontology alignment is the user involvement in the alignment process. To obtain high-quality alignments user involvement is needed for validation of matching results as well as in the mapping generation process. Further, there is a need for supporting the user in tasks such as matcher selection, combination and tuning. In this paper we introduce a conceptual ontology alignment framework that enables user involvement in a natural way. This is achieved by introducing different kinds of interruptible sessions. The framework allows partial computations for generating mapping suggestions, partial validations of mapping suggestions, recommendations for alignment strategies as well as the use of validation decisions in the (re-)computation of mapping suggestions and the recommendations. Further, we show the feasibility of the approach by implementing a session-based version of an existing system. We also show through experiments the advantages of our approach for ontology alignment as well as for evaluation of ontology alignment strategies.
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Review #1
By Ernesto Jimenez-Ruiz submitted on 07/Apr/2016
Review Comment:

First of all I would like to thank the authors for their patience during the relatively long review process.

The authors have followed most of my suggestions and the paper is in a good shape to be accepted.

I agree that the extended experiments I requested in my previous revision may fall outside the scope of the submitted paper and they may potentially be placed in a future publication.

Minor comments:
- Section 2.2.2: First sentence should be rephrased, in the current state it does not say much. I guess it could be simplified saying that a segment is a portion/fragment of the ontology without extra bits.
- LogMap2 could be referred as LogMap
- Page 12: "...we have validated 200 validations." -> "we have validated 200 suggestions"?
- Page 16: "...without segments pairs)," -> remove ","
- Page 16: Add " (e.g. many papers on http://ontologymatching.org/)" as a footnote. e.g. "See paper in..." and/or reference papers [8, 44]
- Page 16: when mentioning "results from OAEI" reference OAEI papers, e.g.: [a,b]
- Page 17: LogMap also allows to "pause" (and save the status) the user interaction and continue later. I think this behaviour also fits in your framework.

[a] Michelle Cheatham et al. Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2015. OM 2015: 60-115
[b] Zlatan Dragisic et al. Results of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative 2014. OM 2014: 61-104