Review Comment:
This article presents two contributions :
an original knowledge graph (KG) named TERA that groups data and elements of knowledge about 3 types of entites: chemicals, living species, and effect of chemical on living species;
an original experiment that uses supervised machine learning models, trained on the TERA KG, to predict the effect of chemical on living species.
Major comments:
The article is well written, scientifically sound, well motivated by challenges in the field of ecotoxicology, and its contributions are original.
It is rather long (32 pages, including references and appendices). This length is in part due to the fact that it describes both the construction of the KG, and its use for the task of effect prediction.
Despite this length, I did not found useless or boring sections, rather many bricks, useful to understand the whole.
I recommend to accept the article that I found of both quality and interest.
I would recommend to enrich the paper with elements of answer to the following questions, to improve the benefit one would have reading the article.
+In the end, it is unclear what the authors demonstrate with the prediction experiment.
The interest of KGE is mitigated. Pros of KGE models is lightly discussed.
Results seems highly dependent on the data (in particular in the data selected for the experiment).
Is it consistent with other experiments? What is the balance between effort to build TERA vs. effort to find a subset suitable for predictive tasks ?
Is the prediction easier, or of better quality once the data is aggregated within TERA?
+ The rational behind the choice of, and the distinction between decomposition, geometric and convolutional models would be of interest.
+ “For each chemical in the effect data, we extract
all triples connected to them using a directed
The transformation of RDF graph to input models is not made explicit. There is many alternative and this deserves few words.
I understand that chosen strategy is rather simple, but for instance I am not sure if predicate type is considered.
+ Do you think that considering the complexity of the KG (considering a larger neighborhood of chemicals and species, considering transitivity) may impact prediction results?
+ why choosing sens. and spec.? Why not adding F-measure and precision?
+ Important choices in the design of the prediction task are well described, but not discussed : choice of Y^ > 0.5, choice of oversampling for class balancing, size of the entity neighborhood considered for the KGE.
+ Could you think of additional linked open data sources that could be easily connected and bring additional features to help discriminate between examples?
Minor comments:
+Section 2 : it is unclear to me if the risk assessment pipeline is something standard for the ecotoxicology community or an original proposition of the authors.
+Fig 2 and text core : NCBI is used as a short name for NCBI Taxonomy. I found this confusing, since NCBI hosts many data resources.
+Table 4: I found indexing with roman numbers heavy. Arabic number with a prefix “t” t1, t2, …?
+in 6.1.2 Sampling : why 78/11/11?
+This facilities the use
+binary mortality effect prediction (long compound word to me)
+there is > 0 probability of lethality to test organisms (?)
+Sensitivity measures the number of true positive classification (this is reductive since other metrics also count TPs, such as precision)
+the Youden’s index is near zero (“near zero” is subjective, this happens in only one setting to my understanding)
+fail completely to capture the semantics chemicals and species