Review Comment:
Upon reading the revised draft, I am happy to see that the authors have addressed the points more or less well. A few more (minor) points identified in my second review are listed below:
Page 1, Line 39-41: The way the text reads, it seems that Connective-Lex presents linked data. If so, you should describe how the data in the lexicons under the database are linked.
Page 2, Line 22-24; 2-4: In my opinion, a single point is redundantly divided into two. You may want to merge them, making the single point more succinct.
Page 5; example 7: I think the example (how much the argument differs across languages) should be described more clearly.
Page 6, Line 19-23: The point on the possibility of multiple relations within the same text span needs more elaboration, preferably with examples.
Language: I noticed some grammatical errors in the updated paper. Examples:
Page 4; Line 50: “This design criterion lead to” > leads to/led to
Page 5; Line 34: “… and their evaluation is provided” > are provided
Page 10, Line 26: “The linking performance… are measured” > is measured