lemonUby - a large, interlinked, syntactically-rich lexical resource for ontologies

Tracking #: 664-1874

Judith Eckle-Kohler
John McCrae
Christian Chiarcos

Responsible editor: 
Guest editors Multilingual LOD 2012 MSS

Submission type: 
Dataset Description
We introduce lemonUby, a new lexical resource integrated in the Semantic Web which is the result of converting data extracted from the existing large-scale linked lexical resource UBY to the lemon lexicon model. The following data from UBY were converted: WordNet, FrameNet, VerbNet, English and German Wiktionary, the English and German entries of OmegaWiki, as well as links between pairs of these lexicons at the word sense level (links between VerbNet and FrameNet, VerbNet and WordNet, WordNet and FrameNet, WordNet and Wiktionary, WordNet and German OmegaWiki). We linked lemonUby to other lexical resources and linguistic terminology repositories in the Linguistic Linked Open Data cloud and outline possible applications of this new dataset.
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