Review Comment:
I appreciate the authors' thoughtful and comprehensive response to the feedback from the previous review round. I would like to suggest accepting the contribution with some minor revisions.
While the paper has made commendable progress, I would like to express a lingering concern regarding the treatment of knowledge graphs and their applications, particularly concerning Wikidata. There is room for improvement in addressing knowledge graphs beyond Wikidata, ensuring a more inclusive description of significant contributions from outside Wikidata. The current description of knowledge graphs in the introduction appears somewhat lacking in detail and could benefit from additional information.
While the sections related to knowledge graphs could benefit from enhancement, it's crucial to emphasize that these aspects might not be necessary for the paper's overarching message. The paper effectively serves as a demonstrator, highlighting the valuable role of Wikidata in the linked data cloud for the life sciences.
Sections 1.1 and 1.2 still require substantial refinement, but there is an opportunity to streamline them into a concise description emphasising Wikidata as the linked-data resource of Wikipedia/the Wikimedia Foundation. While discussing knowledge graphs and Wikidata's role in the broader landscape, these sections could be more concise to align with the paper's primary topic namely, the authors' noteworthy contributions, i.e. interactOA.
Additionally, I encourage the authors to moderate the promotional tone at specific points in the text. While advocating for Wikidata's value, it's essential to strike a balance and avoid presenting it as the only working solution. For instance, the use of superlatives, as seen on line 23 of page 4, may be reconsidered. Describing Wikidata as "valuable" is accurate, but terms like "superior" may be replaced with more neutral alternatives.
In short, I recommend accepting the paper with the remark that the authors could make revisions on sections 1.1 and 1.2, presenting a concise yet informative description of Wikidata, and adjusting the tone to ensure a more neutral and balanced representation.
Minor nitpicks:
Page 8, line 32: HTLM -> HTML