Review Comment:
The paper proposes a new benchmark dataset, FarsePredict, for link prediction. The new dataset is in Persian language and created from the KG Farsebase. Farsebase is created by extraction and integration of knowledge from a variety of sources, e.g. the Persian Wikipedia.
In the initial experiments, standard KG embedding methods show very low performance on Farsebase. Therefore, the authors present some cleaning mechanisms to obtain a denser KG that is better suited for link prediction.
My main critical point about this work is the motivation for this work: Why do we need a language-specific link prediction dataset if link prediction algorithms are language-independent? All methods evaluated in this work do not consider the labels of entities or relationships, nor do they use literal values. They only work on the graph structure. Hence, the language of the input graph is completely irrelevant for them to perform well.
This could be more interesting, if you would consider also link prediction methods that can make use of this information, e.g., [1].
Furthermore, your dataset seems to have some characteristic that makes link prediction algorithms hardly work on it. It would be interesting to compare your dataset to other datasets with the usage of other metrics to see why the performance on your dataset is so low. Maybe have a look at the datasets implemented in PyKeen [2].
I think this work can improved a lot by a more compelling motivation for the need of a Persian language link prediction dataset. Furthermore, this would require a more extensive comparison to other existing datasets. Since the performance of existing link prediction models on FarsePredict is so low, I would also consider to further filter the dataset.
- Most parts are easy to understand.
- A large number of KG embeddings have been evaluated.
- The link prediction quality on FarsePredict is very low.
- All link prediction algorithms presented in this work are language-independent.
- Also, other KGs, e.g. Wikidata and DBpedia have labels in other languages. So, what exactly is the point of introducing this instead of extending the Persian DBpedia/Wikidata version?
- A comparison to other existing link prediction datasets is missing.
Detailed Comments:
-Page 1, Line 40: What does “too weak for link prediction” mean? Try to be a bit more concise.
- Page 2, Line 7: I would expect a reference here, like the other methods mentioned before.
- Page 2, Line 37: All big KGs have an international version. Also, I am pretty sure that Google’s KG is not purely in English since it also serves all language-specific Google services.
-Page 3, Line 22: You are twice mentioning Sakor et al.
-Page 5, Line 23: How is Farsebase structured? It is unclear what exactly you are changing. What exactly do you mean by “not properties or anything else”?
-Page 4: I do not understand, why Farsebase has 7378 relations, with many of them being very rare. Is Farsebase an open KG that has been extracted from the text?
-Page 5, Line 31: What is “unsupervised text”? This term is unknown to me. Rephrase or add a small explanation.
-Page 5, Line 36 and following: The given paragraph about the initial experiments as a motivation for the next steps is at an unexpected position in the section and I took a while to understand, why you suddenly jump to link prediction experiments, while just writing about the shortcomings of Farsebase. Consider restructuring or more explicitly mentioning that you are performing initial experiments.
- Page 6, Line 14: What means “valid Farsebase for link prediction”? Try to add an explanation.
-Page 6, Line 24: How do you remove non-Persian entities and relations? And what exactly are those? Entities and relations that do not have a Persian language label?
- Page 7, Table 2: Would be more helpful if you could compare this to existing link prediction datasets.
-Page 8, Table 3: The results are extremely bad. It would be very helpful to also add model results on other datasets to get a direct comparison.
-Page 9, Line 25: “Graph connectivity was effective” I do not understand what this means.
-Page 9, Line 31: “Hypothesis 1 suggests that the presence of entities that are rarely used in Wikipedia reduces the likelihood of selecting a new valid triple”. I do not understand this sentence and I also am not sure, why the presence of an entity in Wikipedia is relevant to the performance of the models in link prediction.
[1] Daza, Daniel, Michael Cochez, and Paul Groth. "Inductive entity representations from text via link prediction." Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021. 2021.