Cluedo4KG: clues for learning SW technologies

Tracking #: 3770-4984

This paper is currently under review
Nathalie Hernandez
Camille Pradel
William Charles

Responsible editor: 
Guest Editors Education 2024

Submission type: 
Dataset Description
This paper introduces SPARQLuedo and OWLuedo, two open-source educational resources designed for hands-on learning of Semantic Web technologies: SPARQL and OWL. Inspired by the board game Cluedo, these resources challenge learners to act as investigators solving a murder. SPARQLuedo guides users in formulating SPARQL queries to interrogate a dedicated RDF knowledge graph and uncover details of the crime, including the victim, the murderer, the location, and the murder weapon. OWLuedo, on the other hand, prompts learners to extend an existing ontology to model the crime scene in greater depth and leverage an OWL reasoner to identify the culprit. These resources, intended to complement lectures, aim to make learning Semantic Web technologies more engaging and interactive. Positive feedback from students who have used SPARQLuedo and OWLuedo demonstrates the effectiveness of this playful approach for acquiring practical skills in SPARQL and OWL.
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Under Review