Review Comment:
In a direct answer to previous reviews, the authors reduce the scope of the survey. The text have been re-organised accordingly, including the addition of a new section dedicated to introducing background knowledge resources in ontology matching.
However, when starting reading the abstract, i still have the impression that the survey is on schema matching. So, the first lines of the abstract should be revised. It is the same case for the introduction. The survey is now on ontology matching.
In the introduction, contextual matching has been introduced ("context-based matching, i.e. matching with intermediate resources"), it should be the same for "complex matching".
What about a third search parameter "ontology mapping"?
It is interesting to have the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the papers considered in the survey (and all the big tables being adjusted).
"In the area of semantic modeling, ontologies are typically used" => references?
"In this article, we also cover papers and systems which address the ontology integration problem where background knowledge plays a significant role in the matching phase" => this could be clarified in the introduction.
I still think that introducing precision, recall, etc. does not bring so much as the evaluation of the systems is not addressed.
Table 3 refers to OAEI 2020 and Figures 3 and 4 refers to OAEI 2021 (the best performances are kept in 2021 with respect to those in 2020?).
Figure 9 could arrive early in the text.
Besides these minor comments, the authors have carefully taken into account the comments of all reviewers.