
Semantic Web journal ranking on SCImago

The current (2013) SCImago journal and proceedings rankings for the Semantic Web journal are outstanding:

Special Call for Tools and Systems Papers

special call for papers on


Semantic Web journal Awards 2014

The Semantic Web journal is pleased to announce this year's awards.

The Semantic Web journal 2014 Outstanding Reviewer Award goes to Aba-Sah Dadzie, University of Birmingham, UK.

Semantic Web journal: 3rd Special Call for Linked Dataset Descriptions

Linked Data is a key enabler for the Semantic Web vision and one of the steps towards a truly "Semantic Web".

The Semantic Web journal calls for brief papers (usually about 5-8 pages) containing a concise description of a Linked Dataset. The paper shall describe in concise and clear terms key characteristics of the dataset as a guide to its usage for various (possibly unforeseen) purposes. In particular, such a paper shall typically give information, amongst others, on the following aspects of the dataset (if applicable).

Call for Papers: Special Issue on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HC&C) in the Context of the Semantic Web

Call for Papers:

Special Issue on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HC&C) in the Context of the Semantic Web
