
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Decision/Status Viewssort descending Updated
Semantic Web and its Role in Facilitating ICT Data Sharing in the Circular Economy: An Ontology Survey Accept 2,130 22/Jul/2024
Separability and Its Approximations in Ontology-based Data Management Accept 2,145 26/May/2023
What is in Your Cookie Box? Explaining Ingredients of Web Cookies with Knowledge Graphs Accept 2,146 07/Jul/2023
Editorial of Knowledge Graphs Validation and Quality Accept 2,157 19/Sep/2022
ProVe: A Pipeline for Automated Provenance Verification of Knowledge Graphs Against Textual Sources Accept 2,159 14/Aug/2023
DeepOnto: A Python Package for Ontology Engineering with Deep Learning Accept 2,170 22/Jul/2024
Deriving Semantic Validation Rules from Industrial Standards: an OPC UA Study Accept 2,182 31/May/2023
Enhancing Awareness of Industrial Robots in Collaborative Manufacturing Accept 2,193 29/May/2023
Conjunctive query answering over unrestricted OWL 2 ontologies Accept 2,200 01/Jun/2023
OBO Foundry Food Ontology Interconnectivity Accept 2,209 06/Dec/2023
Optimizing SPARQL Queries over Decentralized Knowledge Graphs Accept 2,213 05/Jun/2023
LinkedDataOps:Quality Oriented End-to-end Geospatial Linked Data Production Governance Accept 2,246 14/Aug/2023
Reason-able Embeddings: Learning Concept Embeddings with a Transferable Neural Reasoner Accept 2,249 24/May/2023
Ontology of autonomous driving based on the SAE J3016 standard Accept 2,264 13/Feb/2024
Reuse of the FoodOn Ontology in a Knowledge Base of Food Composition Data Accept 2,268 30/Apr/2023
The Role of Ontologies and Knowledge in Explainable AI Accept 2,271 28/Apr/2024
The Materials Design Ontology Accept 2,308 31/May/2023
A Conceptual Model for Ontology Quality Assessment Accept 2,312 06/Jun/2023
A survey on SPARQL Query Relaxation Under the Lens of RDF Reification Accept 2,350 29/Aug/2024
LOD4Culture: Easy Exploration of Cultural Heritage Linked Open Data Accept 2,361 01/Jun/2023
Wikidata subsetting: approaches, tools, and evaluation Accept 2,392 27/Nov/2023
QALD-10 — The 10th Challenge on Question Answering over Linked Data Accept 2,453 14/Nov/2023
Data Sharing in Agricultural Supply Chains: Using semantics to enable sustainable food systems Accept 2,458 08/May/2023
Ontology supported semantic based image retrieval Accept 2,489 24/Jul/2024
LegalNERo: A linked corpus for named entity recognition in the Romanian legal domain Accept 2,509 31/May/2023
An ontology for maintenance activities and its application to data quality Accept 2,574 17/May/2023
Interpretable Ontology Extension in Chemistry Accept 2,595 30/Apr/2023
Typed properties and negative typed properties: dealing with type observations and negative statements in the CIDOC CRM Accept 2,621 11/Aug/2022
Neural Axiom Network for Knowledge Graph Reasoning Accept 2,628 17/May/2023
Editorial of the Special Issue on Cultural Heritage and Semantic Web Accept 2,663 20/Jul/2022
