
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort descending Updated
Linked SDMX Data Accept 33,788 20/Apr/2016
The Use of Semantic Web Technologies for Decision Support - A Survey Accept 33,878 23/Oct/2012
Linked Open Vocabularies (LOV): a gateway to reusable semantic vocabularies on the Web Accept 34,994 08/Apr/2018
Publishing Bibliographic Data on the Semantic Web using BibBase Accept 35,169 06/Oct/2012
Lifecycle Models of Data-centric Systems and Domains Accept 35,608 29/Jan/2012
Amsterdam Museum Linked Open Data Accept 36,393 23/Aug/2012
The OWL API: A Java API for OWL Ontologies Accept 37,031 08/Dec/2010
Linked Data in Enterprise Information Integration Reject and Resubmit 39,218 06/Oct/2012
Ontology of Units of Measure and Related Concepts Accept 40,272 12/Jun/2012
A Classification of Semantic Annotation Systems Accept 40,379 06/Oct/2012
FactForge: A fast track to the web of data Accept 41,627 06/Oct/2012
Enabling the Geospatial Semantic Web with Parliament and GeoSPARQL Accept 42,169 06/Oct/2012
WebProtégé: A Collaborative Ontology Editor and Knowledge Acquisition Tool for the Web Accept 42,735 07/Jun/2012
The AGROVOC Linked Dataset Accept 43,235 13/Mar/2013
Making the Web a Data Washing Machine - Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data Accept 43,657 08/Dec/2010
S-Match: an open source framework for matching lightweight ontologies Accept 44,170 21/Apr/2011
(Partial) User Preference Similarity as Classification-Based Model Similarity Accept 45,253 21/Jan/2013
Five Stars of Linked Data Vocabulary Use Accept 46,937 31/Mar/2014
Approaches to Visualising Linked Data: A Survey Accept 46,994 06/Oct/2012
OntoBroker - Mature and approved semantic middleware Accept 48,666 19/Apr/2012
Order Matters! Harnessing a World of Orderings for Reasoning over Massive Data Accept 50,073 24/Oct/2012
The Alignment API 4.0 Accept 50,170 08/Dec/2010
Scientific Discourse on the Semantic Web: A Survey of Models and Enabling Technologies Major Revision 60,007 10/Feb/2011
How Ontologies Benefit Enterprise Applications Accept 65,586 18/Mar/2013
An information model for managing resources and their metadata Accept 67,646 27/Nov/2012
Injecting semantic annotations into (geospatial) Web service descriptions Accept 68,582 06/Oct/2012
A Reasonable Semantic Web Accept 71,864 08/Dec/2010
DBpedia - A Large-scale, Multilingual Knowledge Base Extracted from Wikipedia Accept 106,904 20/Apr/2016
Social Influence Analysis in Microblogging Platforms - A Topic-Sensitive based Approach Accept 190,389 31/Mar/2013
