
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
Semantics of Stream Query Languages Using Ontologies [EKAW] reject 6,689 11/Sep/2014
Measuring similarity in ontologies: a new family of measures [EKAW] conference only accept 7,008 11/Sep/2014
Knowledge Management Processes to Support Evidence Based Practice in Healthcare – a Swedish Case Study [EKAW] reject 9,483 11/Sep/2014
Deployment of Semantic Social Media Analysis to Call Center [EKAW] reject 6,153 11/Sep/2014
Feeling the Pulse of Linked Data [EKAW] conference only accept 6,394 10/Sep/2014
Ontology Design Pattern Property Specialisation Strategies [EKAW] conference only accept 5,933 10/Sep/2014
Feasibility of Automated Foundational Ontology Interchangeability [EKAW] conference only accept 6,113 10/Sep/2014
Predicting Concept Drift in Linked Data [EKAW] reject 6,451 10/Sep/2014
One Size Doesn't Fit All – Fostering Diversity on the Semantic Web [EKAW] reject 8,634 10/Sep/2014
Person Record Linking for Digital Libraries using Authority Data [EKAW] reject 6,179 09/Sep/2014
Roadmapping and Navigating in the Ontology Visualization Landscape [EKAW] conference only accept 5,912 09/Sep/2014
Completing RDF Data in Linked Open Data Cloud using Formal Concept Analysis [EKAW] reject 6,236 09/Sep/2014
Using event spaces, setting and theme to assist the interpretation and development of museum stories [EKAW] conference only accept 5,957 09/Sep/2014
A Quality Assurance Workflow for Ontologies based on Semantic Regularities [EKAW] conference only accept 6,462 09/Sep/2014
Towards Resource-aware Business Process Development in the Cloud [EKAW] reject 7,294 09/Sep/2014
External Transaction Logic: reasoning and executing transactions involving external domains Reject 6,439 03/Sep/2014
A Term-Based Approach for Matching Multilingual Thesauri [EKAW] reject 5,894 13/Aug/2014
ActiveRaUL: Automatically Generated Web Interfaces for Creating RDF Data Reject 11,101 15/Jul/2014
Special Issue on the Semantics of Microposts Accept 10,790 01/Jul/2014
Similarity Metrics for Linked Data Reject 5,317 26/May/2014
Next Generation Scientific Publishing and the Web of Data Accept 11,362 25/May/2014
Future Internet Ontologies: The NOVI Experience Reject 10,196 18/May/2014
The Information Workbench -- A Platform for Linked Data Applications Minor Revision 8,158 06/May/2014
Module Extraction for Efficient Object Query over Ontologies with Large ABoxes Reject 7,573 04/May/2014
A Review of Using Ontologies for Effective Relational Query Formulation Reject 5,177 29/Apr/2014
PA4RDF: A Persistence Annotation for RDF Data Stores Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,617 23/Apr/2014
Data Access over Large Semi-Structured Databases Reject 10,634 13/Apr/2014
Creativity is what we say it is: constructing an ontology of creativity Reject 18,039 11/Apr/2014
Supporting the Linked Data publication process with the LOD2 Statistical Workbench Major Revision 9,965 08/Apr/2014
