
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort descending Updated
Foundational Patterns Benchmark Reject (Two Strikes) 3,818 16/Nov/2020
Serverless Semantic e-Science Framework (SSe-SF) Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,826 06/Oct/2018
Semanticizing Sociability: Documenting Relationships in the context of Cultural Heritage Major Revision 3,830 15/Feb/2022
A Biaswalk Based RDF Entity Embeddings Reject 3,832 12/Aug/2020
RomanOpenData: An Application of Semantic Technologies to Roman Amphora Epigraphy Reject 3,833 24/Jul/2020
Parameters to assess website quality and comparative study of website analysis tools. Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,835 14/Sep/2017
Application Domains of Aspect and Sentiment Classification Techniques: A Critical Evaluation Survey Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,865 19/Dec/2018
Relation Prediction in Knowledge Graph by Deep Neural Network Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,867 03/Apr/2018
Star Pattern Fragments: Accessing Knowledge Graphs through Star Patterns Reject (Two Strikes) 3,871 25/Aug/2021
IoT Cloud and Mobile Agent Technology for Real Time Traffic Management Data Collection, Storage and Retrieval Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,878 09/Jul/2017
A Preferential DL Approach to Model the Non bis in idem Principle for the Legal Domain Major Revision 3,888 14/Aug/2020
Linking Discourse level information and induction of bilingual discourse connective lexicons Accept 3,895 27/May/2022
Optimizing Storage of RDF Archives using Bidirectional Delta Chains Accept 3,896 28/Sep/2021
Towards a Semantic Modelling of Profiling Data in Industry 4.0 Reject 3,902 02/Dec/2019
CAFE: Fact Checking in Knowledge Graphs using Neighborhood-Aware Features Reject 3,903 24/Jul/2020
Graph4Code: A Machine Interpretable Knowledge Graph for Code Reject 3,912 30/Nov/2020
Ontology-based management of ancient "lettrines" Reject 3,918 27/Jan/2020
Characteristic Sets Profile Features: Estimation and Application to SPARQL Query Planning Accept 3,920 10/Aug/2022
SWRL2SPIN: A tool for transforming SWRL rule bases in OWL ontologies to object-oriented SPIN rules Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,928 25/Jan/2018
A systematic mapping study on combining conceptual modeling with semantic web Major Revision 3,938 03/May/2023
Analysing the trade-off between computational performance and representation richness in ontology-based systems Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,941 21/Sep/2018
COEUS 2.0: An automated platform to integrate and publish biomedical data as nanopublications Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,944 14/Dec/2016
The POSTDATA Network of Ontologies for European Poetry Reject (Two Strikes) 3,944 09/Jun/2020
Multilingual Semantic Transformation through Simple Sentence Mediation Reject 3,945 12/Apr/2021
CAMS-KG: a Classical Arabic Morpho-Semantic Knowledge Graph Reject (Two Strikes) 3,946 10/Jun/2019
Designing information models for the etymological dictionary of Silesian geographical names Reject 3,954 01/Nov/2020
The RESCS Ontology: linking Open Research Data from multiple sources to support interdisciplinary investigations Reject 3,957 11/Jun/2021
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for Building System Operations with Semantic Modeling Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,958 20/Jan/2021
Towards a new approach for the semantic annotation of semi-structured documents Reject 3,959 29/Aug/2019
