
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort ascending Updated
Contextual Information Retrieval in Research Articles: Semantic Publishing Tools for the Research Community Accept 33,513 03/Jan/2013
Linked SDMX Data Accept 32,825 20/Apr/2016
The RacerPro Knowledge Representation and Reasoning System Accept 32,319 07/Mar/2011
Comparison of Reasoners for large Ontologies in the OWL 2 EL Profile Accept 31,317 06/Oct/2012
Can we ever catch up with the Web? Accept 31,302 08/Dec/2010
A Taskonomy for the Semantic Web Accept 30,338 08/Dec/2010
An Architecture of a Distributed Semantic Social Network Accept 30,085 16/Sep/2012
OWLlink Accept 29,572 08/Dec/2010
The Collections Ontology: creating and handling collections in OWL 2 DL frameworks Accept 29,305 24/Aug/2013
PowerAqua: supporting users in querying and exploring the Semantic Web content Accept 29,001 06/Oct/2012
Quality Assessment for Linked Data: A Survey Accept 28,878 15/Mar/2017
Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey Accept 28,269 06/Oct/2012
LinkedGeoData: A Core for a Web of Spatial Open Data Accept 27,832 08/Nov/2011
Ontologies and Languages for Representing Mathematical Knowledge on the Semantic Web Accept 27,692 05/Jul/2012 Language-Related Information for the Linguistic Linked Data Cloud Accept 27,498 20/Apr/2016
Preventing Interoperability Problems Instead of Solving Them Accept 27,469 08/Dec/2010
Best Practices for Publishing, Retrieving, and Using Spatial Data on the Web Accept 27,446 05/Aug/2018
Survey on Challenges of Question Answering in the Semantic Web Accept 27,393 08/Apr/2018
Supporting Multilingual Bibliographic Resource Discovery with Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records Accept 26,484 04/Aug/2011
Five Challenges for the Semantic Sensor Web Accept 26,352 08/Dec/2010
Inductive Learning for the Semantic Web: What does it buy? Accept 25,507 08/Dec/2010
Modeling vs Encoding for the Semantic Web Accept 25,243 08/Dec/2010
Semantic Turkey: A Browser-Integrated Environment for Knowledge Acquisition and Management Accept 24,862 06/Oct/2012
Transition of Legacy Systems to Semantic Enabled Application: TAO Method and Tools Accept 24,831 06/Oct/2012
Aligning Tweets with Events: Automation via Semantics Accept 24,731 22/Jun/2011
How to deal with massively heterogeneous cultural heritage data – lessons learned in CultureSampo Accept 24,561 14/Nov/2012
CiTO + SWAN: The Web Semantics of Bibliographic Records, Citations, Evidence and Discourse Relationships Accept 24,493 04/Jan/2013
Europeana Linked Open Data – Accept 23,971 08/Dec/2012
Making Sense of Social Media Streams through Semantics: a Survey Accept 23,770 02/Apr/2013
