
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Viewssort descending Updated
An architecture and methodologies for federated, privacy-enabled personalisation on the Web of Data Major Revision 9,080 15/Nov/2011
Hello Cleveland! Linked Data Publication of Live Music Archives Major Revision 9,092 13/Jan/2013
Signal/Collect Processing Large Graphs in Seconds Accept 9,095 27/Feb/2015
Benchmarking Question Answering Systems Accept 9,095 06/Aug/2018
Social Internet of Things for Domotics: a Knowledge-based Approach over LDP-CoAP Accept 9,129 26/Jul/2018
RDF 1.1: Knowledge Representation and Data Integration Language for the Web Reject 9,153 20/Jul/2017
Generating ontologies from Intelligent Tutoring System courses. A generic approach Reject 9,190 28/Feb/2013
Sensitivity Analysis of Non Instance Based Learning Approach for Ontology Alignment Using SSFPOA Reject 9,232 10/Oct/2012
BimSPARQL: Domain-specific functional SPARQL extensions for querying RDF building data Accept 9,242 29/Jul/2018
A Closer Look at the Semantic Web Journal's Review Process Accept 9,267 02/Jan/2019
Hate Speech Detection: A Solved Problem? The Challenging Case of Long Tail on Twitter Accept 9,277 25/Apr/2019
Change Impact Analysis and Optimization in Ontology-based Content Management Systems Reject 9,328 30/May/2024
Reengineering application architectures to expose data and logic for the web of data Reject 9,345 01/Oct/2020
SpecINT: A framework for data integration over cheminformatics and bioinformatics RDF repositories Accept 9,357 28/Aug/2018
LODifying personal content sharing Reject 9,385 08/Nov/2011
Boosting Document Retrieval with Knowledge Extraction and Linked Data Accept 9,396 28/Aug/2018
The Semantic Web identity crisis: in search of the trivialities that never were Accept 9,462 16/Dec/2019
A Visual Modeling Approach for the Semantic Web Rule Language Accept 9,474 03/Dec/2018
Remixing Entity Linking Evaluation Datasets for Focused Benchmarking Accept 9,476 30/Oct/2018
Difficulty-level Modeling of Ontology-based Factual Questions Accept 9,539 17/Aug/2020
Machine Learning in the Internet of Things: a Semantic-enhanced Approach Accept 9,560 06/Aug/2018
Machine Learning for the Semantic Web: Lessons Learnt and Next Research Directions Accept 9,570 01/Apr/2020
Selected Papers from the Combined EKAW 2014 and Semantic Web Journal Track Accept 9,594 06/May/2016
Quality Metrics For RDF Graph Summarization Accept 9,628 29/Jan/2019
Knowledge Management Processes to Support Evidence Based Practice in Healthcare – a Swedish Case Study [EKAW] reject 9,635 11/Sep/2014
Rule-driven inconsistency resolution for knowledge graph generation rules Accept 9,638 20/May/2019
Editorial -- Special Issue on Question Answering for Linked Data Accept 9,639 19/Jan/2017
SmartEnv as a Network of Ontology Patterns Accept 9,652 05/Aug/2018
Bringing phytopathology onto the reasoned Semantic Web: the Plant-Pathogen Interactions Ontology (PPIO) Reject 9,673 19/Nov/2014
