
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
SHAPEness: a SHACL-driven RDF Graph Editor Reject 4,561 05/Sep/2022
Ontology-based digital map integration Major Revision 2,366 25/Aug/2022
Taming Electric Drive Train Complexity at Festo with Knowledge Graphs and Reasoning Major Revision 2,823 22/Aug/2022
Identifying, Querying, and Relating Large Heterogeneous RDF Sources Reject (Two Strikes) 2,470 19/Aug/2022
How Graph Data and Ontology May Add Value to Transactional Data Reject 1,988 17/Aug/2022
A Survey on Knowledge-Aware News Recommender Systems Accept 5,128 11/Aug/2022
Morph-KGC: Scalable Knowledge Graph Materialization with Mapping Partitions Accept 3,276 11/Aug/2022
Security approaches for electronic health data handling through the Semantic Web: a scoping review Accept 3,330 11/Aug/2022
Typed properties and negative typed properties: dealing with type observations and negative statements in the CIDOC CRM Accept 2,621 11/Aug/2022
Background Knowledge in Ontology Matching: A Survey Accept 4,172 11/Aug/2022
Semantic Web Technologies and Bias in Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Literature Review Accept 6,919 10/Aug/2022
Digital Humanities on the Semantic Web: Sampo Model and Portal Series Accept 4,549 10/Aug/2022
Paving the Way for Enriched Metadata of Linguistic Linked Data Accept 3,953 10/Aug/2022
Blue Brain Nexus: An open, secure, scalable system for knowledge graph management and data-driven science Accept 5,726 10/Aug/2022
Building Spatio-Temporal Knowledge Graphs from Vectorized Topographic Historical Maps Accept 4,182 10/Aug/2022
Characteristic Sets Profile Features: Estimation and Application to SPARQL Query Planning Accept 3,881 10/Aug/2022
Bilingual dictionary generation and enrichment via graph exploration Accept 4,077 10/Aug/2022
Analyzing Biography Collections Historiographically as Linked Data: Case National Biography of Finland Accept 4,351 10/Aug/2022
Influence of event representation patterns on some aspects of natural language querying interfaces to ontologies Reject 2,117 03/Aug/2022
Transdisciplinary approach to archaeological investigations in a Semantic Web perspective Accept 3,345 01/Aug/2022
Move Cultural Heritage Knowledge Graphs in Everyone's Pocket Accept 3,147 01/Aug/2022
Semantic representation of Design for Manufacturing and Assembly offsite housing Reject (Two Strikes) 1,748 29/Jul/2022
RelTopic: A Graph-Based Semantic Relatedness Measure in Topic Ontologies and Its Applicability for Topic Labeling of Old Press Articles Accept 4,204 28/Jul/2022
Semantic models and services for conservation and restoration of cultural heritage: a comprehensive survey Accept 3,394 28/Jul/2022
Generation of Training Data for Named Entity Recognition of Artworks Accept 2,886 28/Jul/2022
TermitUp: Generation and Enrichment of Linked Terminologies Accept 4,520 26/Jul/2022
Editorial of the Special Issue on Cultural Heritage and Semantic Web Accept 2,663 20/Jul/2022
OG: A Generic Framework for Knowledge Graph Embedding with Ontology Guided Relational Constrains Reject 2,265 20/Jul/2022
Towards Explainable Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Respecting Logical Commitments Reject 2,360 12/Jul/2022
