
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
Querying the LLOD Cloud for Linguistic Resources Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,469 15/Jan/2013
Hello Cleveland! Linked Data Publication of Live Music Archives Major Revision 9,124 13/Jan/2013
Using the relation ontology Metarel for modelling Linked Data as multi-digraphs Accept 14,385 10/Jan/2013
Eunomos, a legal document and knowledge management system for the web to provide relevant, reliable and up-to-date information on the Law Reject 8,683 09/Jan/2013
Linked Legal Data: A SKOS Vocabulary for the Code of Federal Regulations Reject 10,123 09/Jan/2013
The New Manuscript Review System for the Semantic Web Journal Accept 12,643 07/Jan/2013
CiTO + SWAN: The Web Semantics of Bibliographic Records, Citations, Evidence and Discourse Relationships Accept 24,931 04/Jan/2013
Contextual Information Retrieval in Research Articles: Semantic Publishing Tools for the Research Community Accept 34,242 03/Jan/2013
OWL/XML Rendered Ontology for Inference Support to E-Governance Data Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,831 20/Dec/2012 a Library Linked Data Dataset Accept 18,129 18/Dec/2012
Fiction Literature as Linked Open Data - the BookSampo Dataset Accept 17,244 14/Dec/2012
A Linked Dataset of Medical Educational Resources Reject 10,190 11/Dec/2012
Europeana Linked Open Data – Accept 24,439 08/Dec/2012
Linked Data for Science and Education (Editorial) Accept 13,099 07/Dec/2012
Linked Data for Science and Education Reject and Resubmit 8,992 28/Nov/2012
An information model for managing resources and their metadata Accept 68,837 27/Nov/2012
Transforming Meteorological Data into Linked Data Accept 20,158 26/Nov/2012
How to deal with massively heterogeneous cultural heritage data – lessons learned in CultureSampo Accept 24,920 14/Nov/2012
Applying Linked Data Approaches to Pharmacology: Architectural Decisions and Implementation Accept 20,779 03/Nov/2012
TourMISLOD: a Tourism Linked Data Set Accept 21,916 31/Oct/2012
BioPortal as a Dataset of Linked Biomedical Ontologies and Terminologies in RDF Accept 16,351 24/Oct/2012
Order Matters! Harnessing a World of Orderings for Reasoning over Massive Data Accept 50,577 24/Oct/2012
The Use of Semantic Web Technologies for Decision Support - A Survey Accept 34,696 23/Oct/2012
Semantic Web parallel layer model Reject (Pre-Screening) 5,432 23/Oct/2012
Capturing Place Semantics From Users’ Interaction on the GeoSocial Web Reject and Resubmit 7,458 21/Oct/2012
Sensitivity Analysis of Non Instance Based Learning Approach for Ontology Alignment Using SSFPOA Reject 9,261 10/Oct/2012
Linked Data in Enterprise Information Integration Reject and Resubmit 39,600 06/Oct/2012
Semantic Turkey: A Browser-Integrated Environment for Knowledge Acquisition and Management Accept 25,254 06/Oct/2012
Bringing Relational Databases into the Semantic Web: A Survey Accept 28,778 06/Oct/2012
