
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
Directly deriving binary relation types from concept types, especially process or role types Reject 9,928 18/Nov/2014
A Logic Programming based Approach to OWL RL Reject 5,798 16/Nov/2014
Time-Aware Link Prediction [EKAW] reject 5,280 12/Nov/2014
Pattern for licensing Linked Data Reject 5,914 12/Nov/2014
An adaptive multi-agent system for ontology co-evolution [EKAW] reject 4,801 02/Nov/2014
An Event Based Design Pattern for Intertextual Legal Links Reject 6,971 31/Oct/2014
SFIE: The Semantic Framework for Bridging the Gap between Industry and Education Reject (Pre-Screening) 4,599 21/Oct/2014
Referring to multiple unspecified objects of a type: multi-instance fact pattern family Major Revision 9,729 15/Oct/2014
From datasets to datanodes: An Ontology Pattern for networks of data artifacts Major Revision 16,078 15/Oct/2014
Semantic Web Journal Volume 5 Issue 6 Accept 10,857 14/Oct/2014
Publishing and Interlinking the Global Health Observatory Dataset. Accept 12,462 14/Oct/2014
Approaches, methods, metrics, measures, and subjectivity in ontology evaluation: A survey Reject 11,307 20/Sep/2014
Introducing metrics in the lattice to build ontology [EKAW] reject 6,711 19/Sep/2014
SAFE: Policy Aware SPARQL Query Federation Over RDF Data Cubes [EKAW] reject 5,475 15/Sep/2014
The Entity Registry System: Collaborative Editing of Entity Data in Poorly Connected Environments [EKAW] reject 5,945 11/Sep/2014
Interactive Learning: an Approach for Building DL Ontologies from Natural Language and Reasoning [EKAW] reject 7,031 11/Sep/2014
Towards a Linked Open Dataset for Scholarly Publishing: Semantic Lancet Project [EKAW] reject 6,562 11/Sep/2014
Non-ontological sources transformations for Ontology Engineering: knowledge acquisition using redundancy [EKAW] reject 6,096 11/Sep/2014
Towards Linkset Quality for Complementing SKOS Thesauri [EKAW] reject 6,550 11/Sep/2014
Ontology Matching: Current trends among practitioners [EKAW] reject 6,883 11/Sep/2014
RDFising Events in the World: Raising News to the LOD Cloud [EKAW] reject 6,485 11/Sep/2014
Using ontologies - understanding the user experience [EKAW] conference only accept 6,596 11/Sep/2014
Adventure of Categories: Modeling the life-cycle of categories during scientific investigation [EKAW] reject 6,301 11/Sep/2014
Quantifying the Salience of Musical Characteristics From Unstructured Text [EKAW] reject 6,167 11/Sep/2014
Semantics of Stream Query Languages Using Ontologies [EKAW] reject 6,859 11/Sep/2014
Measuring similarity in ontologies: a new family of measures [EKAW] conference only accept 7,128 11/Sep/2014
Knowledge Management Processes to Support Evidence Based Practice in Healthcare – a Swedish Case Study [EKAW] reject 9,636 11/Sep/2014
Deployment of Semantic Social Media Analysis to Call Center [EKAW] reject 6,281 11/Sep/2014
Feeling the Pulse of Linked Data [EKAW] conference only accept 6,507 10/Sep/2014
