
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
Extending ImageNet to Arabic using Arabic WordNet Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,734 10/Sep/2020
Description of educational resources from open repositories using semantic technologies Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,129 10/Sep/2020
Identitas:Semantics-Free and Human-readable Identifiers Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,470 05/Sep/2020
A Comparative Study of Methods for a Priori Prediction of MCQ Difficulty Accept 6,509 03/Sep/2020
An Unsupervised Approach to Disjointness Learning based on Terminological Cluster Trees Accept 5,723 03/Sep/2020
Gravsearch: transforming SPARQL to query humanities data Accept 7,799 03/Sep/2020
Gold-Level Open Access at the Semantic Web Journal Accept 6,379 31/Aug/2020
Focused Categorization Power of Ontologies: General Framework and Study on Simple Existential Concept Expressions Reject 4,333 28/Aug/2020
BOT: the Building Topology Ontology of the W3C Linked Building Data Group Accept 9,033 24/Aug/2020
RDF Graph Validation Using Rule-Based Reasoning Accept 7,396 17/Aug/2020
S-Paths: Set-Based Visual Exploration of Linked Data Driven by Semantic Paths Accept 7,386 17/Aug/2020
Introducing the Data Quality Vocabulary (DQV) Accept 6,880 17/Aug/2020
Difficulty-level Modeling of Ontology-based Factual Questions Accept 9,585 17/Aug/2020
Proposed WebGIS Development Framework with usability elelments prioritized. Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,533 14/Aug/2020
A Preferential DL Approach to Model the Non bis in idem Principle for the Legal Domain Major Revision 3,887 14/Aug/2020
A Biaswalk Based RDF Entity Embeddings Reject 3,827 12/Aug/2020
Editorial: Special Issue on Semantic eScience: Methods, tools and applications Accept 5,404 04/Aug/2020
Optimizing Tableau Reasoning: a Prolog-based Framework Reject (Two Strikes) 3,982 03/Aug/2020
Systematic Performance Analysis of Distributed SPARQL Query Executing Using Spark-SQL Reject 4,102 02/Aug/2020
CAFE: Fact Checking in Knowledge Graphs using Neighborhood-Aware Features Reject 3,901 24/Jul/2020
RomanOpenData: An Application of Semantic Technologies to Roman Amphora Epigraphy Reject 3,831 24/Jul/2020
A Topic Ontology for Modeling Topics of Old Press Articles Reject 4,004 23/Jul/2020
Semantics in the Edge: Sensors and Actuators in the Web of Linked Data and Things Accept 5,790 06/Jul/2020
Ontologies for Observations and Actuations in Buildings: A Survey Accept 8,139 04/Jul/2020
EDR: A Generic Approach for the Distribution of Rule-Based Reasoning in a Cloud-Fog continuum Accept 6,826 04/Jul/2020
CMDI Roadmap: Visualization, Interaction and Analysis of Heterogeneous Textbook Resources Reject 3,534 03/Jul/2020
A sustainable open data platform for air quality data Reject 3,417 29/Jun/2020
Creative AI: a New Avenue for Semantic Web? Accept 7,591 28/Jun/2020
Approaches to Measure Class Importance in Knowledge Graphs Reject 3,331 19/Jun/2020
