
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
Characterizing RDF Graphs through Graph-based Measures - Framework and Assessment Accept 6,723 12/Oct/2020
Network Metrics for Assessing the Quality of Entity Resolution between Multiple Datasets Accept 5,817 08/Oct/2020
Deploying Spatial-Stream Query Answering in C-ITS Scenarios Accept 6,663 08/Oct/2020
Ontology Property Alignment: A Literature Review Reject 3,262 06/Oct/2020
Modelling Knowledge for Independent Performing Arts: a Semantic Wiki in Intangible Cultural Heritage Case Study Reject 4,337 05/Oct/2020
Semantic Node-RED for Rapid Development of Interoperable Industrial IoT Applications Accept 7,096 02/Oct/2020
SAREF4INMA: a SAREF extension for the Industry and Manufacturing domain Accept 5,895 02/Oct/2020
Combining Chronicle Mining and Semantics for Predictive Maintenance in Manufacturing Processes Accept 6,408 02/Oct/2020
Semantic Web of Things for Industry 4.0 Accept 5,520 02/Oct/2020
A Survey on Knowledge Graph Embeddings with Literals: Which model links better Literal-ly? Accept 7,204 01/Oct/2020
EUCISE-OWL: An Ontology-based Representation of the Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) for the Maritime Domain Accept 7,983 01/Oct/2020
Interoperability Using Semantic Web Technologies Reject (Pre-Screening) 3,033 01/Oct/2020
Reengineering application architectures to expose data and logic for the web of data Reject 9,392 01/Oct/2020
Event Prediction in Online Social Networks Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,889 24/Sep/2020
Interoperability Using Semantic Web Technologies Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,752 24/Sep/2020
One-shot HDT-based Semantic Labeling of Entity Columns in Tabular Data Reject 4,021 22/Sep/2020
Survey on complex ontology matching Accept 9,028 17/Sep/2020
Recursion in SPARQL Accept 6,153 17/Sep/2020
Applying and Developing Semantic Web Technologies for Exploiting a Corpus in History of Science: the Case Study of the Henri Poincaré Correspondence Accept 6,207 17/Sep/2020
UCQ-rewritings for Disjunctive Knowledge and Queries with Negated Atoms Accept 5,940 17/Sep/2020
Link maintenance for integrity in linked open data evolution: literature survey and open challenges Accept 6,465 17/Sep/2020
Typology-based Semantic Labeling of Numeric Tabular Data Accept 6,369 17/Sep/2020
Understanding the phenomenology of reading through modelling Accept 6,219 11/Sep/2020
Legal Judgment Elements Extraction Approach with Law Article-aware Mechanism Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,491 11/Sep/2020
Modeling Execution Techniques of Inscriptions Accept 6,562 10/Sep/2020
OntoAndalus: an ontology of Islamic artefacts for terminological purposes Accept 7,902 10/Sep/2020
Challenge-derived design principles for a semantic gazetteer for medieval and early modern places Accept 7,891 10/Sep/2020
Video Representation and Suspicious Event Detection using Semantic Technologies Accept 6,228 10/Sep/2020
Extending ImageNet to Arabic using Arabic WordNet Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,742 10/Sep/2020
