
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort ascending
Visual Notations for Viewing RDF Constraints with UnSHACLed Accept 4,990 08/Nov/2021
Certifiable AI Reject (Pre-Screening) 1,909 29/Oct/2021
Extension of the Electronic Government Ontology Reject 4,761 20/Oct/2021
The EPISECC Ontology model: spatio-temporal ontology for disaster management Major Revision 8,480 20/Oct/2021
A Prospective Analysis of Security Vulnerabilities within Link Traversal-Based Query Processing Reject 3,090 18/Oct/2021
An Approach for Interoperability Assessment of RDF Data Reject 2,733 12/Oct/2021
Mapping Process for the Task: Wikidata Statements to Text as Wikipedia Sentences Major Revision 4,258 05/Oct/2021
An Assertion and Alignment Correction Framework for Large Scale Knowledge Bases Accept 4,282 30/Sep/2021
Optimizing Storage of RDF Archives using Bidirectional Delta Chains Accept 3,671 28/Sep/2021
An application of Semantic Web Technologies to GDPR compliance of University Processes and Personal Data processing Major Revision 3,038 27/Sep/2021
Foundational Ontologies meet Ontology Matching: A Survey Accept 6,080 22/Sep/2021
Exploring Rank Aggregation for Cross-Lingual Ontology Alignments: A Comparative Study Reject 2,985 22/Sep/2021
Towards Multilingual Semantic Annotation for Sign Language Reject 3,501 04/Sep/2021
Handling Qualitative Preferences in SPARQL over Virtual Ontology-Based Data Access Minor Revision 3,914 02/Sep/2021
MIDI2vec: Learning MIDI Embeddings for Reliable Prediction of Symbolic Music Metadata Accept 4,298 31/Aug/2021
Urban IoT Ontologies for Sharing and Electric Mobility Accept 4,848 31/Aug/2021
Designing and Communicating Ontologies Visually Major Revision 4,847 29/Aug/2021
Star Pattern Fragments: Accessing Knowledge Graphs through Star Patterns Reject (Two Strikes) 3,738 25/Aug/2021
An Ontology for the Tajweed of the Quran Major Revision 4,322 24/Aug/2021
KG-Visual: A Tool for Visualizing RDF Knowledge Graphs Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,401 22/Aug/2021
Native Aggregation in OWL2 and SWRL Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,016 20/Aug/2021
Representing COVID-19 information in collaborative knowledge graphs: the case of Wikidata Accept 6,236 18/Aug/2021
Using the W3C Generating RDF from Tabular Data on the Web Recommendation to manage small Wikidata datasets Accept 5,064 18/Aug/2021
TheyBuyForYou Platform and Knowledge Graph: Expanding Horizons in Public Procurement with Open Linked Data Accept 5,002 18/Aug/2021
A Shape Expression approach for assessing the quality of Linked Open Data in Libraries Accept 5,326 18/Aug/2021
Formality and Accessibility in Ontology Representation and Reasoning: A Diagrammatic Approach Reject 2,984 18/Aug/2021
MQALD: Evaluating the impact of modifiers in Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs Accept 5,130 17/Aug/2021
Creating RESTful APIs over SPARQL endpoints using RAMOSE Accept 6,341 17/Aug/2021
Consent Through the Lens of Semantics:State of the Art Survey and Best Practices Accept 5,782 17/Aug/2021
