
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort descending
Expressive Querying and Scalable Management of Large RDF Archives Major Revision 1,168 03/May/2024
Change Impact Analysis and Optimization in Ontology-based Content Management Systems Reject 9,370 30/May/2024
StarVers - Versioning and Timestamping RDF data by means of RDF-star - An Approach based on Annotated Triples Reject (Two Strikes) 1,893 31/May/2024
Ontology of Descriptions and Observations for Integrated Modelling (ODO-IM) Reject 1,528 17/Jun/2024
Knowledge Graph-Based Approach For Dynamic Ontology Generation Reject 2,259 21/Jun/2024
Multimodal Named Entity Recognition with Fine-grained Alignment and Cross-modal Fusion Reject (Pre-Screening) 550 28/Jun/2024
Editorial: Special Issue on Semantic Technologies for Data and Algorithmic Governance Accept 1,764 17/Jul/2024
Editorial: Special Issue on Interactive Semantic Web Accept 1,433 17/Jul/2024
Editorial: Towards a Global Food Systems Datahub Accept 1,257 17/Jul/2024
Editorial: Neuro-Symbolic AI and the Semantic Web Accept 2,239 17/Jul/2024
Efficient Management and Compliance Check of HVAC Information in the Building Design Phase Using Semantic Web Technologies Accept 1,943 18/Jul/2024
ImageSchemaNet: Formalizing embodied commonsense knowledge providing an image-schematic layer to Framester Accept 3,313 22/Jul/2024
DeepOnto: A Python Package for Ontology Engineering with Deep Learning Accept 2,243 22/Jul/2024
A Holistic View over Ontologies for Streaming Linked Data Accept 1,786 22/Jul/2024
Semantic Web and its Role in Facilitating ICT Data Sharing in the Circular Economy: An Ontology Survey Accept 2,201 22/Jul/2024
qEndpoint: A Novel Triple Store Architecture for Large RDF Graphs Accept 1,841 22/Jul/2024
Formalizing and Validating Wikidata's Property Constraints using SHACL and SPARQL Accept 3,347 24/Jul/2024
Multilingual Question Answering Systems for Knowledge Graphs—A Survey Accept 1,598 24/Jul/2024
Ontology supported semantic based image retrieval Accept 2,609 24/Jul/2024
InteractOA: Showcasing the representation of knowledge from scientific literature in Wikidata Accept 1,377 24/Jul/2024
On assessing weaker logical status claims in Wikidata Cultural Heritage records Accept 1,510 24/Jul/2024
RQSS: Referencing Quality Scoring System for Wikidata Accept 2,864 24/Jul/2024
Path-based and triplification approaches to mapping data into RDF: user behaviours and recommendations Accept 2,077 01/Aug/2024
Ontology for Knowledge Graph Construction using Visual Relationships Reject (Pre-Screening) 878 09/Aug/2024
End-to-End Trainable Soft Retriever for Low-resource Relation Extraction Reject 1,273 19/Aug/2024
Engineering a formal representation of complex temporal Information using the Web Ontology Language Reject 933 19/Aug/2024
On the interplay between validation and inference in SHACL - an investigation on the Time Ontology Major Revision 1,064 26/Aug/2024
Ontology of Security Requirements for Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) Reject (Pre-Screening) 834 26/Aug/2024
A survey on SPARQL Query Relaxation Under the Lens of RDF Reification Accept 2,432 29/Aug/2024
