
This page lists all submissions to the Semantic Web Journal which have been reviewed so far; access to rejected submissions will be locked after 4 weeks. Submissions can be ordered by the modification date, title, views, or status. Please visit the under review page for new submissions.

Title Status Views Updatedsort descending
GeoSPARQL-Jena: Implementation and Benchmarking of a GeoSPARQL Graphstore Major Revision 5,866 10/Dec/2021
The SILKNOW Knowledge Graph Major Revision 3,876 12/Dec/2021
Understanding the Structure of Knowledge Graphs with ABSTAT Profiles Reject 3,267 21/Dec/2021
Beyond Facts - a Survey and Conceptualisation of Claims in Online Discourse Analysis Accept 4,511 26/Dec/2021
Glottocodes: Identifiers Linking Families, Languages and Dialects to Comprehensive Reference Information Accept 5,081 26/Dec/2021
Continuous Multi-Query Optimization for Subgraph Matching over Dynamic Graphs Accept 3,751 26/Dec/2021
Semantics and Canonicalisation of SPARQL 1.1 Accept 3,741 26/Dec/2021
Semantic-enabled Architecture for Auditable Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis Accept 4,405 26/Dec/2021
Robust Query Processing for Linked Data Fragments Accept 4,054 27/Dec/2021
Discovering alignment relations with Graph Convolutional Networks: a biomedical case study Accept 4,154 28/Dec/2021
Knowledge Graph Embedding for Data Mining vs. Knowledge Graph Embedding for Link Prediction - Two Sides of the same Coin? Accept 5,087 28/Dec/2021
Handling Qualitative Preferences in SPARQL over Virtual Ontology-Based Data Access Accept 3,931 28/Dec/2021
Linked Open Images: Visual Similarity for the Semantic Web Accept 4,029 28/Dec/2021
An Ontology-based Automation System: A Case Study of Citrus Fertilization Reject 4,954 28/Dec/2021
Analyzing the generalizability of the network-based topic emergence identification method Accept 3,472 28/Dec/2021
Taxonomy Enrichment with Text and Graph Vector Representations Accept 3,385 28/Dec/2021
A Survey on Transfer Learning using Knowledge Graphs Accept 4,638 28/Dec/2021
Network representation learning method embedding linear and nonlinear network structures Accept 3,343 31/Dec/2021
Casual Learn: A Linked Data-Based Mobile Application for Learning about Local Cultural Heritage Accept 7,066 03/Jan/2022
CURIOCITY: A Cultural Heritage Ontology for Urban Tourism Reject (Two Strikes) 2,459 05/Jan/2022
A method for automatic change of page orientation of the viewing page Reject (Pre-Screening) 1,664 08/Jan/2022
A Strategy for Archives Metadata Representation on CIDOC-CRM and Knowledge Discovery Accept 4,611 09/Jan/2022
Components.js: Semantic Dependency Injection Accept 4,265 09/Jan/2022
A Survey of Ontologies for Explainable Artifical Intelligence Reject (Pre-Screening) 2,869 17/Jan/2022
Semantic representation of Design for Manufacturing and Assembly offsite housing Reject (Pre-Screening) 1,849 18/Jan/2022
The Nova Scotia Disease Knowledge Graph Reject 2,857 19/Jan/2022
CRAFTS: Configurable REST APIs For Triple Stores Reject 2,774 20/Jan/2022
Detecting situations of importance with Stream Reasoning on live health IoT data Major Revision 2,575 26/Jan/2022
Intelligent Energy Systems Ontology to support markets and power systems co-simulation interoperability Reject 2,861 27/Jan/2022
