Accepted Papers

Title Decision/Status Viewssort ascending Updated
EDR: A Generic Approach for the Distribution of Rule-Based Reasoning in a Cloud-Fog continuum Accept 6,800 04/Jul/2020
Neural Language Models for the Multilingual, Transcultural, and Multimodal Semantic Web Accept 6,747 16/Dec/2019
Semantics for Cyber-Physical Systems: A Cross-Domain Perspective Accept 6,721 16/Dec/2019
Characterizing RDF Graphs through Graph-based Measures - Framework and Assessment Accept 6,666 12/Oct/2020
Creating RESTful APIs over SPARQL endpoints using RAMOSE Accept 6,666 17/Aug/2021
Deploying Spatial-Stream Query Answering in C-ITS Scenarios Accept 6,623 08/Oct/2020
Closing the Loop between Knowledge Patterns in Cognition and the Semantic Web Accept 6,598 16/Dec/2019
The euBusinessGraph Ontology: a Lightweight Ontology for Harmonizing Basic Company Information Accept 6,567 07/Jan/2021
Modeling Execution Techniques of Inscriptions Accept 6,524 10/Sep/2020
Representing COVID-19 information in collaborative knowledge graphs: the case of Wikidata Accept 6,523 18/Aug/2021
Hybrid reasoning in knowledge graphs: Combing symbolic reasoning and statistical reasoning Accept 6,518 16/Dec/2019
A Comparative Study of Methods for a Priori Prediction of MCQ Difficulty Accept 6,480 03/Sep/2020
Link maintenance for integrity in linked open data evolution: literature survey and open challenges Accept 6,430 17/Sep/2020
Explainable Zero-shot Learning via Attentive Graph Convolutional Network and Knowledge Graphs Accept 6,409 12/Jun/2021
Foundational Ontologies meet Ontology Matching: A Survey Accept 6,372 22/Sep/2021
Combining Chronicle Mining and Semantics for Predictive Maintenance in Manufacturing Processes Accept 6,360 02/Oct/2020
Gold-Level Open Access at the Semantic Web Journal Accept 6,350 31/Aug/2020
Typology-based Semantic Labeling of Numeric Tabular Data Accept 6,344 17/Sep/2020
Video Representation and Suspicious Event Detection using Semantic Technologies Accept 6,192 10/Sep/2020
Understanding the phenomenology of reading through modelling Accept 6,176 11/Sep/2020
Applying and Developing Semantic Web Technologies for Exploiting a Corpus in History of Science: the Case Study of the Henri Poincaré Correspondence Accept 6,171 17/Sep/2020
LSQ 2.0: A Linked Dataset of SPARQL Query Logs Accept 6,152 04/Nov/2022
MMoOn Core - The Multilingual Morpheme Ontology Accept 6,135 13/Nov/2020
Recursion in SPARQL Accept 6,103 17/Sep/2020
Of Lions and Yakshis: Ontology-based Narrative Structure Modelling for Culturally Diverse Folktales Accept 6,094 26/Nov/2020
Consent Through the Lens of Semantics:State of the Art Survey and Best Practices Accept 6,071 17/Aug/2021
Sequential Linked Data: the State of Affairs Accept 5,988 15/Jun/2021
Pattern-based design applied to cultural heritage knowledge graphs Accept 5,968 11/Dec/2020
UCQ-rewritings for Disjunctive Knowledge and Queries with Negated Atoms Accept 5,901 17/Sep/2020
An Empirical Evaluation of Cost-based Federated SPARQL Query Processing Engines Accept 5,886 02/Dec/2020
