Accepted Papers

Title Decision/Status Views Updatedsort ascending
RDF Dataset Profiling - a Survey of Features, Methods, Vocabularies and Applications Accept 13,747 09/Jul/2018
Distributed query processing in the presence of blank nodes Accept 12,223 08/Jul/2018
The Rijksmuseum Collection as Linked Data Accept 15,103 08/Jul/2018
ExConQuer: Lowering barriers to RDF and Linked Data re-use Accept 13,576 23/May/2018
The Publishing Workflow Ontology (PWO) Accept 12,411 23/May/2018
Reasoning with Data Flows and Policy Propagation Rules Accept 10,169 23/May/2018
Lessons Learnt from the Named Entity rEcognition and Linking (NEEL) Challenge Series Accept 10,273 23/May/2018
PrivOnto: a Semantic Framework for the Analysis of Privacy Policies Accept 11,449 23/May/2018
A Systematic Analysis of Term Reuse and Term Overlap across Biomedical Ontologies Accept 11,920 23/May/2018
OptiqueVQS: a Visual Query System over Ontologies for Industry Accept 12,992 23/May/2018
RODI: Benchmarking Relational-to-Ontology Mapping Generation Quality Accept 10,965 13/Apr/2018
Eye Tracking the User Experience - An Evaluation of Ontology Visualization Techniques Accept 12,087 13/Apr/2018
ServLog: A Unifying Logical Framework for Service Modeling and Contracting Accept 9,862 08/Apr/2018
The Apertium Bilingual Dictionaries on the Web of Data Accept 14,933 08/Apr/2018
An extended study of content and crowdsourcing-related performance factors in Named Entity Annotation Accept 10,310 08/Apr/2018
Using microtasks to crowdsource DBpedia entity classification: A study in workflow design Accept 10,388 08/Apr/2018
Detecting Linked Data Quality Issues via Crowdsourcing: A DBpedia Study Accept 10,946 08/Apr/2018
A comprehensive quality model for Linked Data Accept 12,478 08/Apr/2018
Linked data schemata: fixing unsound foundations Accept 12,856 08/Apr/2018
Literally Better: Analyzing and Improving the Quality of Literals Accept 10,386 08/Apr/2018
Weaving a Web of Linked Resources Accept 13,723 08/Apr/2018
SPARQL with Property Paths on the Web Accept 13,420 08/Apr/2018
Ontology Understanding without Tears: The summarization approach Accept 11,727 08/Apr/2018
FrameBase: Enabling Integration of Heterogeneous Knowledge Accept 10,922 08/Apr/2018
Semantic Web Machine Reading with FRED Accept 14,419 08/Apr/2018
Survey on Challenges of Question Answering in the Semantic Web Accept 27,992 08/Apr/2018
Effective and Efficient Semantic Table Interpretation using TableMiner+ Accept 11,275 08/Apr/2018
The ACORN-SAT Linked Climate Dataset Accept 14,129 08/Apr/2018
Map-On: A web-based editor for visual ontology mapping Accept 14,874 08/Apr/2018
Temporal Representation and Reasoning in OWL 2 Accept 11,285 08/Apr/2018
